
hi lovelies, I know we all had the dilemma of whether Aladdin was arab or south asian. they cast Aladdin as arab, and Naomi is half south asian so it works. Since the original disney version was mixed blend of two very different cultures anyway, and so why not get to actors from both backgrounds. What is not acceptable is hating on Naomi Scott for being south asian, that is not okay. If you don’t want south asians in the movie, get rid of agrabah because it was made based on the Taj Mahal, get rid of Apu (which is not only a south asian pet name, but literally poor people in south asia have monkeys as pets), get rid of Rajah (tigers are from south asia and again Rajah is a south asian name), get rid of Jasmine’s almond eyes (south asians have almond eyes) get rid of Aladdin’s outfit because that was south asian too, get rid of the baraat scene in Aladdin where he rides an elephant in a parade to the potential bride’s house (a south asian tradition to have a parade going to the bride’s house, especially the groom on a elephant or horse). If you’re going to use South Asian culture don’t you dare get angry at us for wanting equal representation. And besides Naomi Scott is an incredible actress, singer and overall a beautiful human being. So I'm really happy for the cast of Aladdin & can't wait to watch this ✨


@saffronscented oml I didn't hear about that, lmao Disney messing up everything ✨


@rosyapsara yes please! And didn't they cast a korean as mulan lyke???♥


@saffronscented I mean they would look good together ✨ & yes I just hope the rumours aren't true about casting a white female as mulan but yeah same maybe we can watch together ?¿? ♥️


hi lovelies, I know we all had the dilemma of whether Aladdin was arab or south asian. they cast Aladdin as arab, and Naomi is half south asian so it works. Since the original disney version was mixed blend of two very different cultures anyway, and so why not get to actors from both backgrounds. What is not acceptable is hating on Naomi Scott for being south asian, that is not okay. If you don’t want south asians in the movie, get rid of agrabah because it was made based on the Taj Mahal, get rid of Apu (which is not only a south asian pet name, but literally poor people in south asia have monkeys as pets), get rid of Rajah (tigers are from south asia and again Rajah is a south asian name), get rid of Jasmine’s almond eyes (south asians have almond eyes) get rid of Aladdin’s outfit because that was south asian too, get rid of the baraat scene in Aladdin where he rides an elephant in a parade to the potential bride’s house (a south asian tradition to have a parade going to the bride’s house, especially the groom on a elephant or horse). If you’re going to use South Asian culture don’t you dare get angry at us for wanting equal representation. And besides Naomi Scott is an incredible actress, singer and overall a beautiful human being. So I'm really happy for the cast of Aladdin & can't wait to watch this ✨


@saffronscented oml I didn't hear about that, lmao Disney messing up everything ✨


@rosyapsara yes please! And didn't they cast a korean as mulan lyke???♥


@saffronscented I mean they would look good together ✨ & yes I just hope the rumours aren't true about casting a white female as mulan but yeah same maybe we can watch together ?¿? ♥️