
@pearlgirl18: @bluemoonxox: Hey :]]. I'd just like to let you guys know that your comments and messages were the only things that got me to write this weekend. Plus the fact that the snow gave me an extra day :]! I really appreciate you guys, a lot! Thanks for all the support<3!


          I'm new here and I just wrote my first story. I love for you guys to read my story and comment. Tell me if it's good. It's called Don't hate cuz I'm cute and sweet; Hate cuz you can't compete. Long title I know. 
          Thank you


Apara, it's your annoying little fan calling. I know that you wish she would stop bugging you for more chapters, but let's face it: your stories are so phenomenal she can't contain herself. I think the only way to shut her up is to upload soon.... lol jk
          Please upload your story as soon as possible! It is amazing!!
          Rachel <3 (Sorry for the unnecessary use of drama, but that's the way I like it lol)


shut up! shut up! shut the fuck up!!! GAH!!!!!! I LOVE MEG AND DIA!!! i was going to read your story later, but since you're a meg and dia fan, i'll put off my school work to read :] lol ^-^ could you maybe return the favour? thanks!


Hey I know that you are probably totally busy and stuff, but could you please, please update Save Me soon? I'm dying over here without an update! I keep re-reading the parts that you already have written, but I would love to have the next chappie to read! I love your story!
          Rachel <3


@pearlgirl18: Thank you so much Rachel, no one was commenting on my newest chapter and I was really upset because I liked that one, plus I procrastinated on my homework to it... but then I woke up thism morning and I got an email with your comments on it and it made my day (and today was not gonig to be a good day). Thanks, I really like Emma too, and I'm glad you like her witty humor(:. I love Flyleaf and Evanescence, they're some of my favorites(:! Awh, thank you so much :)! I wish I could be on the What's Hot List, but I have a while to go. Not to sound mean, but some of the stories on the what's hot list really annoy because they're so cliche and they don't have a basic plot. But it's deffinately a goal of mine to get one the What's Hot list at least once(:! Lol, thanks I do like deep stories. I don't read too many stories in the young adult section too much anymore because many are shallow, so I'm glad I'm not in the shallow end of writing spectrum! Awh, thank you! I'm sure I have a few grammar mistakes here and there, but hopefully no one will notice them :)
          So for the millionth time, thank you so much! I really appreciated your comments! And I will definately read your story!


Hey! I totally love your story! You are an amazing writer. Your style is so unique and you really have a voice. Your descriptions are accurate and detailed but they don't bog down the reader in too much unnecessary precision. Your characters are real and vivid and I really feel for them. I really want to know what happen to Emma and I completely love her as a character. Sometimes I fear that wit is lost on our generation, so I'm glad to see that it isn't! :-) I also love Flyleaf and Evanescence and so I got really excited at that point in the story! lol I just don't understand how you are not on the most popular list. You're writing is far better than a lot of these authors and you actually have depth to your story! And another thing, I was able to read this stories in peace because I wasn't mentally correct grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation errors because there weren't any! Now I was wondering if you could please read my story and tell me what you think? I would love any constructive criticism and feedback you could give me! So in conclusion to my ramblings,(lol) your story is fantastic, keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing it with us!
          Rachel <3


          i wondered if yuu could check out my story
          i just updates my story
          7 chaps 
          Give My Virginity Back
          Please Comment (bad or good...all accepted) vote and Fan if you love it and want me to inform you when i update)
          ps..if you wnt me to read anything...feel free to tell me