
"Alright, Alysa, Medium, and Rosechuck. Mission is simple. Get the book as it fullest potential. I want to see some action, a lesson, and magic. Give it all you have. I want people to see that there is something to be inspired from. Big Dreams and Chaos is my book. I don't want to see it be let down." Thee says to them as he held his book. 
          	"Yes, sir!" Alysa yells happily, saluting and teleports away to get it going on the message and importance to the story theme.
          	As Medium nods and goes to start practicing the action scenes. 
          	With Rosechuck went to get started on the songs and character details. 


"Alright, Alysa, Medium, and Rosechuck. Mission is simple. Get the book as it fullest potential. I want to see some action, a lesson, and magic. Give it all you have. I want people to see that there is something to be inspired from. Big Dreams and Chaos is my book. I don't want to see it be let down." Thee says to them as he held his book. 
          "Yes, sir!" Alysa yells happily, saluting and teleports away to get it going on the message and importance to the story theme.
          As Medium nods and goes to start practicing the action scenes. 
          With Rosechuck went to get started on the songs and character details. 


"Let's see. Seven Deadly Sins." Alysa says to me while flipping through the book. "Okay, the first one is, of course, the pride, the... you know. Second, the sin of greed, third sin of lust, fourth sin of envy, fifth sin of gluttony, sixth the sin of wrath, seventh the sin of sloth." Alysa says the seven deadly sins. 
          That sounds like nightmares from the Horror Author books. 
          "Well, it's real. It's been real since it came to be." She says to me while looking at the symbols. 
          I wish they were not. 
          "Sometimes reality has its own true horror too." She says to me softly and closes the book. 


            "That is true." Alysa says, nodding calmly of Samuel words. 


@rosechuck_chuck Reality is a special type of horror, 'cause it can happen to you if the circumstances are aligned right. 


"Wow. This is amazing." Aziza says with a smile excited of all this while twirling around. "Readers, I am back from the dead. I know you all don't know me. But I'm Thee Aziza. It's been so long since I been dead." She says while hearing blasts near. 
          "Better hurry or what you are trying to accomplish could be gone." Aamon says with a sneer as Aziza quickly rushes away. 
          "I'm coming!" She yells as her eyes flick to dark pink flames. 


            "Hey, hey, don't mess around with an author. He be busy as my other authors." Thee says to his sister in law shooing her away while having her get Ira to go with her as well. 
            "Awww, can I at least have a fruit bowl, I miss having fruit taste ever since I died." She says with a pout. 
            "Fine. I'll get Jumbo to make you something, but go to the white room, please, thank you." Thee says, sending Aziza and Ira to the white room. "It's too exhausting already when having to do with my brother, my sister in law, and now a deadly sin in my place." He says annoyed a bit. 
            Well, I guess the unexpected happens, sir. Besides, it's once in a lifetime that we even get any sort of entertainment.
            "Eh, true." Thee says with a smirk. 


@rosechuck_chuck I mean, humans are made of flesh so... yeah.


            "Look, it's a human boy." Aziza says, pointing at Samuel with a smile as Aamon facepalms hard. 
            "I wish I wasn't connected to you." He says, annoyed. 
            Aziza zooms to Samuel and squishes his cheeks softly. 
            "You're so squishy. I don't remember how human skin felt." She says with a soft smile. 


Hmm, I can control the 2nd point of view. Able to teleport anywhere I want to go. This means I can closely rule this. But then there is that Nobody dude. Should I take him down before my brother gets suspicious since it's been awhile his own right-hand man has been "gone" for an hour. 
          Hmm, why not. *smirks widely* Number three. Number one shall be my brother view. 


Thee Author gathering work from other authors from me as he clears his throat. 
          "Dear readers or whoever is seeing this. I Thee Author has gathered accordingly four original books from authors. I'm not going to give names because why would I bother." Thee says as throwing some papers away, not interested to say the names. 
          Thee. As I hand it back the name of the authors. 
          "Fiiiine. The credit of the authors goes by Alysa Cantu, the reality author, who is making the 'He is my grandpa.' And. 'Ella Saving Stars.' While we have Crystal Rolls, the Baker Author who is making 'Crystal Rolls and The Star Guardian.'" Thee reads fast to just get it over with. He doesn't like dealing with boring things. 
          "I can hear you." Thee says to me, of course he can it's not like I'm trying to hide it. "And the one who is making 'Carla Smith or Arla Red' is...Alyeska Red? The Majestic Author? What the? I don't remember making or naming someone that? The hell." He says, confused looking at the paper as the little girl I saw earlier. She looked like an author. Thought Thee made her one without me knowing. 
          "I did not." Thee says out loud to me as he slams the papers on the table and walks to his big book using his powers to open it as it glows very brightly for my eyes. 
          Well, I've got to see what's going on. But for now, the books shall be released soon. Have a nice, beautiful day or night. 


"ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!" Alysa yells while zooming out her bed, and a couple of her books fell off the bed. 
          She rushed out of her room and went to all her siblings' rooms with going to her mom and great grandma room yelling, "CHRISTMAS!!!!"
          She then summons a portal and goes through it into the authors world and grabs a giant speaker from her tiny hands, and yells. 
          "WAKE UP EVERYONE ITS CHRISTMAS!!!! BIG TREE BIG TREE!!!! FOOD! And I guess mistletoe too. I never get that part. BUT COME ON EVERYONE ITS CHRISTMAS!!!" Alysa yells loudly as everyone around start to wake up tired since some worked late or some already knowing some need to start handling things around. 
          Alysa then walks to the front screen to the readers, smiling joyfully. 
          "Merry Christmas, have a joyful and exciting butt time day!" She yells, giggling cutely. 
          "And be sure to drink hot chocolate. And watch anime as you like." Medium says with a smirk, coming by next to Alysa holding a mug of hot chocolate. 
          "Also have a magical day, of joy and giving to your loved ones." Rosechuck says softly with a soft smile, appearing between the two. 
          "YEAH!" Alysa yells, jumping in the air. 
          In the background, Thee Author watches with me, of course, as we always keep an eye out on the stand-out ones. 
          "Have a festive day indeed. It shall be very entertaining." Thee says with a smirk while I raise an eyebrow, wondering what that means. 


Thee Author appears in front of the follower readers' screens. 
          "Welcome readers or...just normal readers. I am Thee Author, the one who makes the authors themselves. This announcement is to tell you that I have been keeping my authors from not doing their job....I am serious. I love entertainment, not success all the time. So if a book you like that you are waiting on for the next chapter....Freaking tell me! So I can make the authors life even harder." Thee Author's says to them while smirking a bit evilly. 
          The Man blinks af Thee annoyed while faceplaming. "Gosh, you could have said that you are making them not do their work." The Man says to Thee. 
          Thee blinks and smiles nervously and slides away. 
          The Man blinks and looks at the follower reader. "Do not worry, I will try not to let Thee have them struggle to do what they love to do to have you like their stories to this page. I shall see you all later. If I live." The Man says and claps his hands and a portal below him, and he went down.
          The Reader Follower eyes were big of what just happened in front of them. 


Alysa: It is my Birthday! *jumps up happy fast* 
          Rosechuck chuckles softly at Alysa being excited. 
          While Medium smirks. 
          Medium: But you are 18 now Alysa so that means you are kind of old now. 
          Alysa's eyes crack and fall to the ground in sadness. 
          Alysa: Noooo TwT 
          Medium: Yeaaaaaah!!!! *she yells liking to make Alysa feel bad* You are going to take more responsibilities now! Mwahahaha! 
          Rosechuck sighs softly while grabbing Alysa and hugging her. 
          Rosechuck: Don't worry dear will always love you as you are still today. 
          Medium: Yeah sure. *crosses her arms smiling a little* 
          Alysa looks at them and smiles cutely giggling. 
          Alysa: Thanks, guys, you are the best. OwO 


@P4naginip Alysa: Thank you. *jumps up* 


@Samuel152 Alysa: Thank you :3


Happy Birthday, Alysa!


Rosechuck pops up next to Medium, while Medium was sipping some hot chocolate typing on her computer. 
          Rosechuck: Medium! *she says happily* 
          Medium looks up at her in confusion. 
          Medium: What? 
          Rosechuck: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *she yells while confetti drops and Alysa pops with a gift* 
          Alysa: Happy! Happy! Happy! Birthday Medium! You are now 31 years old! 
          Medium makes a really face to the camera. 
          Medium: I should of never told them my birthday. =_=
          Devilish snickers evilly while eating a birthday cupcake. 
          Medium grabs the gift and opens it just to get it over with. 
          Which made Medium eyes widened grabbing a plushie of hot chocolate along came with a scarf. 
          Rosechuck: So what you think? *she smiles softly* 
          Medium smirks: Heh, thanks. But your lucky your my friends or I would of crushed you by now. 
          Alysa cheers and Gabe Medium a hug with Rosechuck and Devilish. 
          Medium looks at them and smiles softly hugging back. 
          Medium: Thanks guys. 


Alysa: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL!!! >w< *jumps up in the air* I SHALL JUMP AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE!!!-OH look mistletoe *sees a mistletoe in the air and kisses Joe that was next to her* Mwah! Love you! 
          Joe smiles with a small blush and kisses back. 
          Rosechuck: I want to get rid of this boy, this is me and baby Alysa Christmas! *snaps a pole in half* 
          Medium makes a face on the side while sipping hot cocoa with Devilish eating a heart cupcake. 
          Merry Christmas OwO 


Merry Christmas!