
You guys.. I have writers block. I’ve been thinking of something to add into the next chapter and I can’t figure it out :( if you guys have any ideas, please let me know!! I like to add things in that you guys would like to see!! I love you guys :)))


You guys.. I have writers block. I’ve been thinking of something to add into the next chapter and I can’t figure it out :( if you guys have any ideas, please let me know!! I like to add things in that you guys would like to see!! I love you guys :)))


Okay, high school is not what I expected it to be. I mean yeah, it’s school. It’s boring, stupid and it’s hell. But, I’ve been supper busy lately. Tonight I’m going to try to publish a chapter. Hint hint, I said try. But expect a chapter sometime this week! ❤️


Okay.. I’m so sorry! I said I was going to post it this morning.. I failed. I’ve been so busy lately, and I let you guys down! You guys should have came first. It is posted now and you guys can now read it! Thank you so much for your guys patients. I love you guys so much!! ❤️


Alright. Tomorrow morning! Chapter 34 will be published. Also, school is starting Monday for me, so I’ll probably be busy. But I promise I’ll publish when I can. If you guys have any questions or opinions about anything, feel free to dm me!! Anything you guys want to talk to me about go right ahead! You guys are like family to me!! I want you guys to be comfortable and to be able to talk to me about anything! 
          I love you guys so much!! ❤️❤️


Hey guys! I’m so sorry that I haven’t updated in a good while. I’ve been so busy lately. School is starting in a week and I’ve been busy getting ready for that. Not to mention that my sister is starting Kindergarten next week also! Time flies by soo quickly! I’m gonna try to publish a chapter tonight if not tomorrow! I feel so badly for not posting or anything! 
          I love you guys so much and I’m so grateful for you all!! ❤️❤️