
this message may be offensive
@rockleeisbaeeee same child, and that's what the embryo is, a baby. Because it can't feel shit doesn't take away the fact that it's a human. People with CIP can't feel pain. Go kill them since you're giving value to life based on the ability to feel pain.
          Also, you claim to be studying medicine, yet you use "undeveloped cells." wtf does that even mean? Not even undeveloped humans but cells? girl bfr.
          You can't call them a clump of cells because that's what we all are. You said I am rude because I called you dumbass, I'm sorry, but tbh you deserve it. Imagine not having value for life, voiceless life for that matter, why shouldn't I be rude to you.
          You only pull the plug on a coma patient when there are no brain waves or signs of quality of life, not just when they're in it for long.
          I'm coming over here because I noticed you might have blocked me or smtn to tell you the truth, so here's your reply to that comment. 


@rockleeisbaeeee I'll leave you with this, a survey was done asking random strangers if a man kills a pregnant woman, should he be charged for 2 murders or one, and they all responded 2, but once they asked what about when it's the mother killing the baby is it OK, and they were stumped. Can you see the cognitive dissonance?
            Also, I doubt you're a medical student as you're 17, and your words are not sounding like one nor are your values one that a medical personnel should have.
            Wow, that's a lot, but bye.


this message may be offensive
@rockleeisbaeeee First of ain't nobody fighting with you, we were having a discussion, a crucial and sensitive one at that. I find it dangerous not to address you walking about with that mentality, so please don't insult me because I'm entertaining you. Also, I have a life complicated but am continually grateful for it, so I'm pretty sure using 2 minutes to address this crucial and often issue is gonna make me not have a life or that type of thing.
            Now that that's said rape only make up less than 1% of this abortion that pro abortion ppl like to bring up. And yes, I feel it's justifiable for abortion in pregnancy as a result of rape in young girls and also when the mother's life is at stake. Why? Simply because it's the same as killing someone as a form of defence, just like how you can unalive someone when your life is threatened. Only then is abortion justifiable. 
            It's not justifiable, however, when you're killing an innocent child as a result of unwillingness to simply abstain from sex or simply use a birth control method.
            Life is hard, life is difficult, and life is a struggle. We also mustn't forget that there's still beauty to life, and you are not God nor a giver of life to decide if you want to give your baby life or not because life is tough. If so we shouldn't reproduce at all as this world is wicked and unfair, still you have no right to decide to kill someone or not nor is it justifiable that you are the mother hence you can decide whether you want your baby to live or not. Call it what it is MURDER straight up.
            The hard decision you're talking about is to either abstain or buy a condom or to take care of a child for 18 years or more, and you make the hard decision.


And like you’re truly pathetic, coming to my account just to keep fighting? Get a life 


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


No problem!! I just realized you sent a message, sorry about that  I really liked your story, I’m glad it’s having a lot of attention now 


Hi there! Thank you so much for checking out Catch You, your support means a lot to me and I wanted you to know I appreciate it!
          I cherish all my readers and always thank them for the simplest of support, so thank you!
          Any kind of feedback or suggestions are always welcome. I hope you enjoy the story <3


Omg hi and no problem, just realized you sent a message sorry about that  btw I really enjoyed reading your story 


Hey there! 
          I just wanted to take a moment to stop by and say thank you for checking out Siren, and for all of your support on it. I hope that you are enjoying Ashlyn and Derek’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it ♥️
          - Bri. Xx 


@rockleeisbaeeee haha, hi! Hope you’re doing well. 
            Aw, I am so happy to hear that! :D 


Omg hi! You’re welcome ☺️ I’m really enjoying it so far  