
Taking off Shown No Mercy. I need to edit a lot of it to help the future plot lines. 
          	Thanks for supporting me guys, with it. :) Maybe when I finish it, I could upload it? Let me know guys, if you want to read it, and I might. I don't want to take it off, but I have to. Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on it. It meant a lot.
          	Thanks guys :). 
          	I don't know when To Kill For will be uploaded again. Sorry.


Taking off Shown No Mercy. I need to edit a lot of it to help the future plot lines. 
          Thanks for supporting me guys, with it. :) Maybe when I finish it, I could upload it? Let me know guys, if you want to read it, and I might. I don't want to take it off, but I have to. Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on it. It meant a lot.
          Thanks guys :). 
          I don't know when To Kill For will be uploaded again. Sorry.


I don't even know where to start. 
          I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.
          I'm sorry. So sorry. I can't write. I seriously can't. Every time I go to write, my brain doesn't function. I don't even feel like I want to write.
          I'm sorry. And I don't know what else to say.


OMG! Guys! Guess what? 
          I finished Chapter Six! I know! I am so so so so so so so sorry. I truly am.
          But.............I'll start the next chapter now.
          Also, I'm thinking of re-writing chapter 1 of Trembled, yeah? I read back through it, and I'm like 'OMG, this is so bad.' So, yeah. I'll get chapter seven done, then I'll probably start re-writing it. :)
          Thanks guys. For sticking with me. You guys are awesome :D


Okay, so I know you guys must hate me. I hate me too.
          I've been writing a bit tonight, cause it's finally coming to me. :D.
          But, on Thursday, one of my best friends left. Like, literally left. And our friendship group was torn apart and I was really angry and sad so I didn't get to write then, cause I didn't feel up to it at all.
          Also, after that, I got gastro. And I was up all night and, you get the point. 
          I'm so so sorry. 
          It's holidays now, for Australia. So I'll be writing a lot over the next 2 weeks. 
          I'll try and get a chapter done by Wednesday.Maybe even earlier.
          I'm reallllllllly sorry. Please forgive me. The next chapter is a fun one. And maybe next chapter, or the one after that, things will start to get interesting.
          Thanks guys, for sticking with me. :D
          ~Sheri xx


          Firstly, I am completely and utterly sorry for not having uploaded in forever forever. I feel horrible. School and writers block do NOT help. :/. Reaally sucks. 
          I'm hoping to get some writing done tomorrow, after I clean my room and do the dishes and before I go to speedway.
          Once again, I hope you will all love me again when I upload, I hope that'll be soon too. Cause I'm not sure as to when this writers block will leave me.
          But, good news. Only one more week left of school for me! Yay! More writing time :D. Hehe.
          Thanks guys, new and old. I love you all.


Yay! I'm at school *note sarcasm*.
          Well, I'm in French and I've finished all my work so I'm working on another chapter of SNM for you all.
          Lately, Trembled hasn't wanted to be written, so sorry to all of you that enjoyed that. I'll still try and write it, but it might not be good :/.
          Also, I had to write a narrative for Humanities, oh the joy! *note more sarcasm*. So, I've uploaded that. Check it out, you know you want to.
          After French, I've English and I have a feeling we're doing free writing. So, yay! I can write again.
          Haha. Good morning, good night and every thing in between. Love you guys :D


Hey peoples. :D
          I'm so excited :D. I'm going to see I Am Number Four tonight.Yay! I read the book and I loved it :D.
          Anyway, writing news. Both the stories I'm working on (Shown No Mercy and Trembled) are coming along okay. But I really need to start uploading quicker. Am I right? So, after I've put my hands into ice cold buckets of water (not really)-I went golfing today with 2 of my brothers and my dad-I'm gonna write SNM. Cause I haven't uploaded that in like a month. I'm so sorry *hands up in surrender* and I'm also not sure if you'll like this chapter either. But then again you might. 
          After SNM is uploaded I'll work on Trembled. I promise.
          Thanks guys, new and old fans. You guys rock. :D