
I'M STILL ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE~!!!! ... mainly because I kept getting comments on Oh Heichou. IT'S BEEN A YEAR. WHAT.


Hello lovelies!
          After 5 whole months of being on hiatus (and I'm sorry for not informing you about that), I FINALLY uploaded a new chapter in Oh Heichou!
          To give you an overview about it, Reinna and Erwin came home from the Trainee Corps with Reinna, of course, shattered after seeing Aiken's new girlfriend, and Erwin being confronted by Levi.
          As for my other stories, I actually don't know how to continue the story like in My One and Only Pink-hearted Love, since I've moved forward from being a Bleach fangirl (aww), I no longer know what style of flattering I should use for Renji without ruining his attitude... or did I really ruin his attitude? Oh my goodness.
          In my Eren fanfic, Piano... well... I don't know. It's really not that successful. I'm considering tearing it down, but if you would like me to continue it, I would be glad to.
          My personal story, Growl, is currently in progress. I am halfway through the next chapter, though I'm having a hard time recalling that moment.
          Anyway, set that aside. I don't know if you guys want to know about my life right now, but as of now, my life is like this: I'm a freshman I.T student and I have a guy best friend under the code name Eldrei. Now, Eldrei and I are frequently mistaken to be a couple because of our closeness, but I'm telling you guys, we are not. I'll show you guys my guy best friend when I update my new profile picture aye? :)
          Setting that aside also, if you guys would like me to write something for you, comment below. If you have any comments or whatsoever, don't hesitate to send me a message on my inbox! :)
          That's all, guys! Have a great day or afternoon, or evening!


Hello lovelies! Just to give you my book updates:
          Oh Heichou is NOW updated! AFTER SUCH A LONG TIME!!
          My One and Only Pink-hearted Love is still on writer's block mode, though it's the very first story I have written. (Well, technically not my very first, but my first on Wattpad)
          ... and the new one, Piano, I'm in a mental war with myself if I should continue it or not.
          My personal story, Growl, I will try to continue it.
          If you have any oneshot requests (may be you with your crush; I don't mind :D), you may comment here.
          If you have any random things to say or any questions, you may also comment here or send me a message. My inbox is open 24/7. 
          That is all~ have a good night or day or afternoon, wherever you all are~ ^^"


Hello lovelies! The next part of Oh Heichou is NOW OUT! I am so sorry for the looooooooooooong delay, and I promise you, I will seize the most of my remaining break to continue this... surprisingly successful story. I can't believe it got over 4k reads! *melts*