Thanks for translating everlasting longing, I just watched the drama version, love seeing the difference, yu nu jiao still favorite though, but thank you so much for translating these novels and all the other ones you do.
@ Kellyf6868 Thank You for reading too, been not in a good health for the last week, my condition is up and down, will post more once I'm better. Thanks for your patience...
Thank you so much for updating yu ni jiao, I love it. I have a question, you translate and read so many novels, which one is your favourite or ones you’d recommend to read?
@ chalokoini to be honest, I don't have favorite novel, but probably Love Like Galaxy would be the one most remember as I started to translate from raw and edit it myself. There's also Lost You Forever and The Rise of Ning which I red many times, coz I like an obsessive ML.
Thank you for updating yu nu jiao. I am a huge fan of that novel. Every chapter is majestic. Its like going through a turmoil of ourself while reading it.
Please Dont stop updating the novel. Some of us are eagerly waiting till the end..
@rini_hartono thank you ,so anxious for it. Also has yin ji went a little crazy now? And what chapter will we find out what the flying the kite means or can you spoil that part?
Thank you so much for updating yu nu jiao, I’ve just got one question, does he ever get his memory back and remember her? the book is so heavy and dark but I can’t stop reading it! It’s so interesting