
Guys I have something to say I technically lied when I said my house was griffin door because I am a perfect combination of all the houses. Weird right


Like 25% each house


          People are probably not going to read this but I’m starting a Harry Potter fan fiction about a muggle born witch from America so she’ll be like really confused and stuff and she’ll do all sorts of muggle things that pure blood wizards will literally FREAK about


That sounds SO GOOD when are you going to post the first chapter?


Hey um I just want to say this on behalf of quiet people, book lovers, and other people who are introverted:
          We are only quiet because what we have to say is so incredibly deep that we will drive you crazy or we are just slowly going insane. We read because it transports us. We write because it’s our haven. We would rather stay in then go out because everyone treats us like we are boring but in reality we are orchids in a daisy field. We only talk with our friends because they were patient enough to wait for us to open up. We are polite because if we aren’t we are scared that we will be considered a disappointment. We are nightmares, fires, storms with skin but we have the sense to not get in trouble for it. The most dangerous people are the ones who have been broken and we are broken. But we are strong.


@Always__magical Aww thanks same to you to y’all are beautiful


@rileylcloyd I never related to something so much. "..we are broken. But we are strong" Girl you have my heart.


I know right and people are like they a quiet little nerd. And we listen to all conversations in a 10 foot radius


Umm I know not a lot of people will see this but I have to say it: 
          Some people put on their brave face in front of others but as soon as their gone it falls and it hurts to be in pain. To anyone who has ever lost someone sometimes that brave face will fall and there is nothing you can do about it. But you can always stand back up and it’s okay to let others see you cry especially if things get to hard sometimes they need to see you can break for them to start seeing you for who you really are. I lost people I loved and I’m not alone but hiding just makes it worse.
          No one can hold the world by themselves so let at least one person get close to you even if you’re scared you will lose them to.


Also do any of you know your 3character combination for Harry Potter mine is  Hermione, Ginny, and Luna


There is supposed to be one for Harry Potter girls on buzzfeed it took me a while to find it but I ended up with the most awesome girls in Harry Potter at least in my opinion


How should we find out about it ?! i mean is there a test or sth ?!