
This is obviously fake, the real Rick would know how to spell his own name.


 A. I posted this over a year ago. B. The account is called Rick Roirdan. Idiot.


@ThatRandomBritishGuy thats right and your not a fan of his because all the fans know how to spell his name Riordan 

bobsayshello123 this the real Rick?! Or are you another impostor fangirl/fanboy?
           *gasps* if this is the real Rick....... Thank you so so so so so much! You Percy Jackson books literally saved my life. You have no idea how big of an impact you've made on so many lives, we love you very much!
           well, this is a little awkward.... Her we are writing fanfic and the author of the real books is here too. Hmm, well, ok then. This is embarrassing!