hello loves ! i apologize for my lack of activity but i want to speak up about the current situations going on in the world right now -
first of all, i do hope all of you are being safe right now and taking care of yourselves ! i do admit i do not understand , but i will stand with you . no one should be discriminated against , it's never okay . people should not have to be afraid that every time they leave their house they could get killed , just because of their race . we should all be treated the same , regardless . respect & love one another .
if you guys are wanting to, and you honestly should, help out , here are things you can do & ways to help !
- attend protests ! stay safe though <3
- educate others and spread important information , use your platforms !
- do donations sign petitions ! i'm pretty sure all petitions are free , here are some links to petitions you can sign ^ other helpful things :
there are many more that you can find . if you can't go to protests or donate , that's okay ! but please at least sign petitions , educate yourself and others & raise/spread awareness .
racism isn't and has never and will never be okay . so please , help us fight against it . BLACK LIVES MATTER !
please just do what you can to help out and stay safe, i know it's stressful right now , so take a break if you need to & please take care of yourselves ! also , happy pride month to all my lgbt+ buddies <3 i apologize if this post isn't good enough , i'm just doing and trying my best to help out . please stay safe & take care everyone . <3 you're worth it , you're good enough , you & your emotions are valid .