
Hello lovelies! I recently did another interview with @Modern-Day-Grimm. I did one with them for Stars and they asked to interview me again for Sophie. If you've read Sophie, you can check out my interview with them on the book here: 
          	I bring more good news! Especially for my Wicked Chase readers. Imperial Compass is back up on wattpad, on my current account @AnneeSparrow. Updates will be every Monday and Thursday. You can read it here:
          	I hope you all are doing well. Find me at @AnneeSparrow <3 
          	Stay well, 
          	 - Capt. Sparrow xx


I just completed reading your book "Stars", it was one of the most beautiful stories I've read! It's written perfectly and even picturing the whole plot got me so engulfed, most of the time I kept on sobbing remembering a very special person in my life who I call "Sky"... you're writing skill is so powerful that I don't even know what words can I use to praise this book! 
          Lots and lots of love and best wishes for you, may God bless you keep you safe and healthy <3<3<3


Hello lovelies! I recently did another interview with @Modern-Day-Grimm. I did one with them for Stars and they asked to interview me again for Sophie. If you've read Sophie, you can check out my interview with them on the book here: 
          I bring more good news! Especially for my Wicked Chase readers. Imperial Compass is back up on wattpad, on my current account @AnneeSparrow. Updates will be every Monday and Thursday. You can read it here:
          I hope you all are doing well. Find me at @AnneeSparrow <3 
          Stay well, 
           - Capt. Sparrow xx


I logged back in today to see how this account was doing and oh my god, Wicked Chase is close to 100k reads! This is amazing. It was my first attempt at a novel and it's super wordy (I cringe but it was 2016 me, 2019 me has definitely grown). Stars hit 10k votes and Sophie passed 10k reads! Thank you lovelies for the continued support. If you ever want to reach me or read my current works, find me at @AnneeSparrow 
          Have a good day, 
           - Capt. Sparrow xx


@OutOfThisWorldBitch aw thank you for reading them ❤ 


Just dropping in to say hello. I hope 2019 is treating you well and that you lovelies are doing amazing! To my new followers and readers, thank you for reading and following me. I would love to interact with you guys but this account is now inactive. You can always reach me through @AnneeSparrow if you want! 
          Stay lovely lovelies <3 
           -Capt. Sparrow signing out


Hola lovelies! 
          For my Wicked Chase readers I have good news! A lot of you were asking spin-offs with the Ignacio brothers. Unfortunately, I haven't written those but I have begun writing a spin-off to Wicked Chase and it can be found on my current account @AnneeSparrow. Check the link below for more information about the Wicked Chase spin-off!
          link →
          I hope you're all doing well. As some of you know I moved to @AnneeSparrow and am now writing actively on that account so if you still want to keep a track of my writing you can go follow me there. 
          Thank you to everyone who keeps reading, voting and commenting on my books. I logged into this account after a very long time and it made me so happy to see that you are all enjoying what's up here on this account. 
          See you on the flip side. 
           - Captain Sparrow signing out


are you reactivating this account??


wait okay I'll just stalk that account cool


@mispaint I'll be active on my other account @AnneeSparrow since I shifted there


@mispaint no, I don't think I will be. When I made the decision to leave this account I really meant it. But I might come on to check it more often instead of abandoning it for months like I've just done lol


Hey there lovelies! I come bearing another set of good news. I recently just joined wattpad again and plan to start posting pretty soon. This account will now be inactive but my stories will remain up here to read and enjoy. I don't want to deprive anyone who might have wanted to read my works. in other words, Anha is back in business. 
          Follow me on my new account @AnneeSparrow and look out for a story ;) 
           -captain sparrow signing out 


@republicans oml I'm so glad to hear this ❤


I COME BEARING GOOD NEWS! guess who is finally ready to start posting back on wattpad again? i've got a new story and plenty of stock chapters AND i'm excited to share it with all of you! i'm thinking of making a new account for a fresh start of sorts because the last year on this @republicans account has been rough for me and not entirely pleasant. the problem with making a new account means coming up with a username and i am currently facing a username dilemma. i've got two usernames in mind and can't seem to pick one. which do you think is better? if you're on ask, your votes would truly help! <3
          looking forward to retunring, 
           -anha aka captain sparrow xo