
          	happy 4th of july wattpad 


i ❤️ this book what matters most so much i’m hoping there will be a sequel 2 it. i love ❤️ romance book that bring romance all 2 a whole new level in every chapter of the book.  


i can’t wait so excited 2 see how if leigh keeps being with christopher or she will fall in love with his twin brother chase & now her ex boyfriend jackson trying 2 ruin things 4 her 


Thanks so much for voting for my book! You are awesome!!! 


Thanks so much! I am so glad that you love it! That means the world to me! There is so much more to come. I will publish more chapters soon! ❤️❤️❤️


i just got done reading all that’s left behind & boy did i love the book. i wish i knew how farren’s & cole’s relationship headed 4 marriage & kids while they both went 2 the same college & if really brad baldwin was really her biological father the drug dealer who supplied her mother beckham’s drug addiction. it would of been nice 2 see how he would of lost his job as the high school jerk teacher who always harassed & belittle farren & was jealous of her relationship with cole. i wish there was a sequel book 2 it 2. 


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oh wow the more i read books that make me cry like crazy i feel like i’m a female version of the girl that get’s hurt from the douchebag guy in the book. i know what it feels like 2 be cheated on & i sure in the hell know what it feels like when my life was threatened 2 death & i know what it’s like 2 be raped cause i’ve been through all 3 of them in my life by a person that i thought that i loved so much from my past. it’s hard that when u have a child that asks sometimes about her father & what he was like until i tell her what he did 2 me from 2010-2013. those were the hard yrs of my life of my past before i found out before christmas 2013 that i was pregnant with my baby girl. my rape happened before i found out about her on halloween 2013. my life was threatened from those yrs 2. now my life is considered safe from when i left him without being in fear like it use 2 be since i’ve been doing a lil bit stronger from it. i thank god everyday that my daughter wasn’t conceived from that dreadful rape i went through on halloween 2013. i feel alot like those female characters that get hurt like crazy 2 in those books i’ve read.