
I just finished reading pumpkin night last night and I *might* make a story inspired by it, not all scenes would be word for word but it would be obvious it was inspired by the manga, btw the translation for the first 40-50 chapters were goofy asf, still love it.


I just finished reading pumpkin night last night and I *might* make a story inspired by it, not all scenes would be word for word but it would be obvious it was inspired by the manga, btw the translation for the first 40-50 chapters were goofy asf, still love it.


im tired, I can't sleep because of a few problems, im seriously tired of school, im in my last year of high school and the stress is just building up in me. I just want to lay down and do nothing..I want everyone to pretend I dont exist, I want people to leave me alone, I want my mom to know im trying...and I want her to know that im tired of the stuff she tells me, it clearly hurts hearing it from her even tho I just laugh it off. I just want to sleep, but I can't without waking up the next day to be reminded that im going to be stressed again. but I have a it that hard to be proud of your child and tell them that their doing great? if it is then I want to know what im doing wrong for my mom to tell me I need to be like others, it hurts hearing her compare me to other kids, im only 13, I dont want to be treated like some 16 year old whose supposed to be what their parents want them to trying my best, I think im doing great..I want someone to tell me im doing great...
          sorry for ranting about my random problems lol, just feeling bad after today and I have I headache


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y'all know that stereotype people have of witches? disgusting green skin, long ass nose, those incurable pimples thats literally everywhere on their body, has a tendency of cursing families for their own amusement, lives in the woods in either a broke down cabin or some shit? always carrying a MaGiC broomstick and wearing a black robe with a pointy hat? and for some reason their pet is always a black cat? well thats all just a fake tale to tell kids when they misbehave or something, they are real tho! thats a fact, but what's not a fact is all that I just stated, witches can look beautiful in their own way, they dont always wear black with a pointy hat, and they dont curse people for their amusement!...sometimes, anyways, their just like any adult or child their, they have stable jobs, an actual house that doesn't work on magic, they dont always have a black cat but when they do, its cause they think these felines are cute and lastly! they dont ride on a broomstick! that was before transportation was invented and now they can manage around without seeming weird.
          so what if I told you that a family that only produced women FINALLY had a male child? not only that but he's a male witch( title can be used for both genders) of course he lived life normally with loving parents and even older sisters! Natsu Hinata, Sasaki Hinata and Yuji Hinata, all living with their parents. now, how tf does Shoyo even end up in a situation of him using magic ONCE and being found out by his co-workers? who knows, maybe their nosy enough to en up stumbling upon the moment! 
          may be a description for a story, that is if I do it


idk if I should address to this but I've read so much fanfics where Tsukishima is massively ooc and completely forgot how he acts so imma just slide one of my teammates personality on him like my usual Thursday morning and pretend as if thats how he is completely  °¨3¨°