
Am I the only one who has those thoughts that convince you over and over,
          	"If you die, people will be upset, but they'll also eventually get over you. You're not that important. All you do is cause problems. What good are you? Not at all. All you do is lay around and make your Aunt worry and your mom wish she never had kids. All you do is waste people's time and money. Without you, your family will have lost a disgrace. They'll be better off without you. All you've done is whine and complain and gotten fatter and fatter, upsetting more people each time you open your mouth."
          	Because I'm having those feelings.


@regrolo it's alright I've gotten over this for the most part.. But yknow if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always open, homeskillet. I hope you learn to cope with that healthily..


this message may be offensive
@regrolo  I'm sorry you are feeling this way.........I just have a bunch of thoughts that get jumbled together and make me feel like shit then I want to die. It's not even bad stuff......I just have a chaotic mind....Don't think this made you feel any better....ummmmmm.....yeah.....I'll go now


Am I the only one who has those thoughts that convince you over and over,
          "If you die, people will be upset, but they'll also eventually get over you. You're not that important. All you do is cause problems. What good are you? Not at all. All you do is lay around and make your Aunt worry and your mom wish she never had kids. All you do is waste people's time and money. Without you, your family will have lost a disgrace. They'll be better off without you. All you've done is whine and complain and gotten fatter and fatter, upsetting more people each time you open your mouth."
          Because I'm having those feelings.


@regrolo it's alright I've gotten over this for the most part.. But yknow if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always open, homeskillet. I hope you learn to cope with that healthily..


this message may be offensive
@regrolo  I'm sorry you are feeling this way.........I just have a bunch of thoughts that get jumbled together and make me feel like shit then I want to die. It's not even bad stuff......I just have a chaotic mind....Don't think this made you feel any better....ummmmmm.....yeah.....I'll go now