
this message may be offensive
So - just a quick update because I'm scared to be alone in my head rn ~
          	I sprung my ankle and found out my bastard of a father, who gave me horrible anxiety when I found out moved back into the safe state I lived in, now lives 5 minutes away and looks totally different. I'm internally freaking the fuck out and my mind is going to bad places. My half-sisters, who I haven't talked to since the bastard first moved away, now want to talk to me I don't know what to do. I know I'm not the best person in the word, but why the fuck does all this shit have to be relevant in my life. Why do my father and his shit keep coming back? I know it's stupid to pride myself on the fact that I haven't given in to the urge to just fucking kill myself and make it stop, but I really need someone right now to tell me not too. Honestly, the only reason I'm not fucking dead is that I promised my mom, but that promise is getting harder and harder to keep. 
          	So that's it ~ thank you to nobody because no one will read this. Ima go look up was to hurt myslef without cutting. Peace the fuck out


@red-rabbit84982 if you're not comfortable with talking with them then don't


this message may be offensive
So - just a quick update because I'm scared to be alone in my head rn ~
          I sprung my ankle and found out my bastard of a father, who gave me horrible anxiety when I found out moved back into the safe state I lived in, now lives 5 minutes away and looks totally different. I'm internally freaking the fuck out and my mind is going to bad places. My half-sisters, who I haven't talked to since the bastard first moved away, now want to talk to me I don't know what to do. I know I'm not the best person in the word, but why the fuck does all this shit have to be relevant in my life. Why do my father and his shit keep coming back? I know it's stupid to pride myself on the fact that I haven't given in to the urge to just fucking kill myself and make it stop, but I really need someone right now to tell me not too. Honestly, the only reason I'm not fucking dead is that I promised my mom, but that promise is getting harder and harder to keep. 
          So that's it ~ thank you to nobody because no one will read this. Ima go look up was to hurt myslef without cutting. Peace the fuck out


@red-rabbit84982 if you're not comfortable with talking with them then don't


Thanks for the follow back!


@Circle_Dreams  well okay XD do sleep


this message may be offensive
@Circle_Dreams sorry, I just realized how weird that sounds. Please don't mind the shit I say when I'm running on two hours of sleep. In real people words, I meant that I like you, you seem quirky, in a good way, of course.


this message may be offensive
Hello, hi, it is I.
          Now, I do realize that I have like, less than two hands worth of followers, BUT, I just rewrote Willows chapter of Hannington Manor, and it's better, SO, if you are interested in reading, know someone who might be, or read it yourself, please go check it out. 
          Btdubs, happy, fucking, fall!!!


Okay, so-
          I just found this thing:
          Musical Oc's
          1) Put your playlist on shuffle
          2) Make a character inspired by the first song that plays
          3) Make another character inspired by the second song that plays
          4) And the third song that plays describes their relationship
          Please, please, please someone do this and show it to me. It would be so cool to see what y'all make :)❤❤❤


Update despite the fact that no one will see this:
          As of late, I am okay.
          Truly, I am. I feeling better than I have in quite a while. I'm feeling okay. I don't feel that hole in my chest, nor the need to cry and do something bad. I have friends. I am okay.


Thanks, I appreciate that :)


Glad you're okay, mate. And if you ever need it ima be there ❤


Dude that's awesome


Also, thanks for the vote on " A horror story...? " These are just silly little edits I do to make myself feel better, but I appreciate you reading them! I'm also really glad that you found the way I see things really helpful to you. Like I said, Optimistic Nihilism seems all dark and shady, but it's really freeing because if life were to just end, you would probably do more things in life. It's a positive thing for me. It's a painful, but beautiful truth. At least I think so.


That's really sweet~ I'll try me best to keep writing and improve


@SugarButtercream I agree with you. It's like a beautiful tragity. I get what you mean with living the best life you can in spite of the known death. I like to think of it as we we're born to die, so as long as I live happily, with people who make me happy, I'm okay with it. 
            And also, I really do like your writing. Your shorts are very alluring, and you are a very good writer in general.


Thanks for the follow Love. I’m Gray ❤️


Ahhhh I didn't see your reply til now wtf- and yes my gay ass is already ready for pride


@xTheSinnerx The color thing? We just need a few more and we're all ready for pride.


I love that XD