
So I'm feeling very poetic tonight. So I'm gonna post the ones that I have written already, and then I'm gonna try to write a few more somewhat soon so that I can post those too.
          	For those of you who have been missing Signed,33 updates, college has been kicking my ass. I want to write more, but academically and emotionally I can't right now. There is more to come, but I have to get to a better place mentally and emotionally first. Until then, poetry.
          	Thanks, guys.


So I'm feeling very poetic tonight. So I'm gonna post the ones that I have written already, and then I'm gonna try to write a few more somewhat soon so that I can post those too.
          For those of you who have been missing Signed,33 updates, college has been kicking my ass. I want to write more, but academically and emotionally I can't right now. There is more to come, but I have to get to a better place mentally and emotionally first. Until then, poetry.
          Thanks, guys.


Hey, guys
          I've been writing a lot lately, and I just want to thank everyone who has been reading Signed, 33 since the beginning. I'm trying to finish up the first draft of this story so that I can edit it and correct it as needed. We're about halfway through with Drew's adventures, and I'm really excited for you guys to see what happens to him next, both with his superpowers and with Rachel. I really hope you guys like what I've written so far, and I would really love it if you let me know what you like and don't like about what I'm writing, just to see what I'm doing right and wrong so far with my writing. Thank you guys so much for the reads and the support, and I'll talk to you soon.


please update signed 33 it's my favorite story and I got addicted now I have nothing to do but roll on the floor in agony


@recklessandthebrave I know this comment is late but You're a creative genius, stories like S33 are the reason I'm contemplating writing a story. I want to become a great writer like you.


@cjkool2002 I'm sorry this is so so so so late but I'm writing new chapters now that my semester is over. Check out Day 16 and Day 17!


In celebration of the holidays, I'm going to do everything I can to get TWO chapters out before January 6th!!!!! You'll want to read them both, they're gonna be really good and really important chapters to Signed,33!!! Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the 3,000+ reads on my story and to those who keep pestering me to keep on writing!!! I'll hear from all of you soon I hope :D Happy Holidays!!!


Hiya, Becca(: I just updated Thirty Days of Promises. I know it's been a very long time since I wrote the prologue, I'm sorry for the delay.
          (You are receiving this message because you commented on the prologue of my story! I hope you read the first chapter(: )
          (I've been meaning to catch up on Signed 33!(: )