Okay, so I just need to make this announcement really quick. I haven't updated Chronicles of Mysteries in a while, not because I don't want to anymore but because I have been particularly busy these last few weeks. It'll be a few more weeks until I'm completely free to do all my late assignments, including the reviews I ought to make. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten, I just have to focus on other things for now.
I also wanted to say something more important. In a few months, maybe in August or September, I'll be going on a long hiatus, this means I won't update anymore and won't participate in exchanges like before but I will complete the ones I've started before that. I'll also give up on reviews (not before completing the ones I've already agreed to do).
This isn't bad news, nothing terrible is happening to me. This is actually great for my future. This is a bit personal, so you don't have to read it if you don't want to. I'll be graduating in less than a month and my exams are coming very soon. I also already know I've been accepted into the school of my dreams but it'll ask me to work non-stop for two years. I obviously won't have the time to properly be on Wattpad. This doesn't mean I'll be gone forever, hopefully, and I still have a few months before me.
I just wanted to give some kind of warning, I guess and also an age reveal I suppose?
Have a good day and thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story! I appreciate your dedication and I want you to know that this project won't be abandoned any time soon, hopefully.