
I will be updating my published book very soon!!!!


Hello you might be sad that I unpublished my book I was working on but I just had new ideas in my head and have to come up with a whole new background. I also give *high fives* to all the authors in Wattpad they really are amazing. Anyway the book will be returning soon so don't be to sad think of it as a punishment ;)


Hi @readingnerdlol (reading nerds are the best kind of nerds *high five*)
          I just popping by your profile to thank you personally for adding my grim fantasy in progress "Emeline and the Forest Mage" to your reading list. You're awesome!
          Feel free to comment or to message me. I love hearing back from readers, and I will always respond.


@readingnerdlol Oh thanks. Yeah, it can feel like that at first. I suggest joining the clubs and chatting with people. You'll build more connections and get more people reading your stuff. :D


@JoyCronje i am so glad you messaged me i honestly thought i was invisible and as you can see i am just getting used to wattpad and it is so good to have someone who notices me. If you check out my profile again i have set goals for myself that i intent to follow. BTW your book is amazing