
Ok, so I just added like 3 or 4 (or 5) chapters of Les Royaume des Draconis! If you don't know what that is, it's another dragon story of mine, but it's better than The Fifth Queen in my opinion! If you don't know what THAT it, it's just a story I wrote about dragons a while ago. I haven't really been on here in a while so I don't really expect anyone to actually read my stuff but if you would it would be awesome!! Thank's guys!!


Hi! I'm Xx_TheDragonet_xX. It's come to my attention that your books Different as Night and Day and The Fifth Queen are very similar to my book Dragons: Eclipse. I was wondering if we could maybe give each other feedback and be friends. (I need feedback desperately cuz i have none). I absolutely love dragons, and especially stories from their perspective, and that's how I found your account.


I think your stories are amazing, by the way.


Ok, so I just added like 3 or 4 (or 5) chapters of Les Royaume des Draconis! If you don't know what that is, it's another dragon story of mine, but it's better than The Fifth Queen in my opinion! If you don't know what THAT it, it's just a story I wrote about dragons a while ago. I haven't really been on here in a while so I don't really expect anyone to actually read my stuff but if you would it would be awesome!! Thank's guys!!


For all of my fans on wattpad, please follow me on instagram (if u have one) my usernane is @rathakitty. If u follow me, comment on one of my pictures and tell me you're from wattpad and I'll let u choose one story you'd like me to update. So let's say 3 people choose Lays and Loki, then I'd write 3 chapters of that. Please go follow me! Thank u!


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Attention my very small fan group. I will not be updating anything until probably late april because my stupid piece of shit laptop broke.I might update on my moms computer, but probably not because she's on there 24/7. So see you in april!