
Does anyone know of a good graphics shop that is actually active and will take request fast? Cause I'm in need of a cover for my book and find a good shop.


So, I have decided to put up a graphic portfolio on my profile. I told myself that I would only focus on writing, but I enjoy designing as much as I do writing. I won't be taking request cause I just don't have the motivation to make anything for anyone. I know, bitchy, but I just want to focus on me and help build my skills. So yeah, that's what I'll be doing. I'll announce when the portfolio is up. 


Hey everyone! I'm doing a live soon on my Instagram to talk about my books, Lucifer's Will and Sincerely, Anonymous, as well as answer any questions or random thoughts you all may have. If you wish to join, my Instagram is cheyennemurphy15. Please feel free to join, as this is something I would like my readers and possible future readers to be involved in!