
Girl...lemme tell you something 
          I m in love 
          With your silent face
          I m french but i love reading in english and woww i love your book...i m in vacation and i have wifi like every two days so i have your book in my biblio and i read it all day long and i love finn and the girl and the mood of the whole book and everything else. I love how you write frrr
          Much love♡


@raspbvrries I bet! 
            Ouhhh for me, he s really close to who he seems to be in interviews and who i imagined him to be irl♡
            Oh gosh it s really cool i love it so much!!! The references are so cool!!! And yess the 80's damn i wish I was born in this decade!!
            Much love too♡


@eclatsdamebrisee yeah it's super fun to experiment writing someone who doesn't speak! And I'm trying my best to keep finn as close to himself as possible haha, sometimes I find it hard because obviously I don't know him personally, but I hope I'm doing his personality justice :'), also I had to set it in the 80s, i freakin love that decade, much love ! <3


@raspbvrries it really is especially the fact that this girl doesn t talk but is not mute and stuff and that she s communicating w/ written words ! And finn is sooo lovelyyy!!! Idk you write in such a way that this book brings me back memories that i really like...line hanging out with neighbors, chilling and crying in your bed ans stuff! 
            AND! The fact that it s in 80's make it just more original i love it !!!! 
            Hehehe i see that you ve posted more chapters and i m so hype ! Imma read this tonight with a good song hehe♡