
Good day fellow ladies and gentlemen of culture. It is I, raptorixx! I have been missing cause a lot has happened in the past year (plus my dad took away my phone). But no more! I have caught COVID-19 and I feel I could die from this so I came here so I could write without regrets! My Monster Hunter Academia is currently in hiatus cause I want to remaster it. I will be writing a new exclusive fanfic for my followers as compensation for my year long absence. You heard that right- no tags so no discovery to the public! Only those who follow me and those who have read my last fanfic will know of it’s existence. I am going for a more professional structure so do remind me for any grammar mistakes, loop holes etc. If you want to share it’s fine, if you think it’s worth sharing. Don’t blame me if I die midway though.
          	 I want to write something different starring (drum rolls...) Bakugou! Yep, this time the MC will be our king explosion murder Bakugou Katsuki. The setting? (More drum rolling...) A trashy isekai! But it’s different than any trashy isekai. It has monster girls, fan service, a system, OP skills! And... um... haha yeah and. . . I’m following a generic trashy isekai script, aren’t I? Sh*t.


@raptorixx  it’s been a year I hope you have just decided to stop writing but if not your stories are a joy to read and I had a great time reading it


@raptorixx guys it’s nearly been a year I don’t think he’s alright I hope he is tho


@raptorixx uh sir sory if this is rude but could you give us a sign if you are alive because if you are that's great. And so you know we got over 9 times the vote goal on your last chapter and it would be great if you could say something to let us know if you are ok.


Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border,
          right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that
          thief over there.


this message may be offensive
@I_am_very_HUNGRY My source is that I made it the fuck up. Imagine a world free of cancel culture. Where no one can call me out for my outlandish claims. A world where I can say the N-word!


Dear author
               I would like to say that your work is amazing and not childish as you made it with your own enjoy mean and was enjoyable to others as well so please continue your fanfics as it was very enjoyable and others are hoping to see more as for those who insulted you just ignore them for they're just either jealous or naive idiots who thinks they'll do better as for they don't even know how to write a fanfiction trust me I've seen others bad talk from other websites/apps who they think they'll do better but clearly not so please don't stop as it was sad to see this book go to waste like other fanfictions that are not been completed


@KaitoSW im gonna be real with you i think he or she is dead

