
New chapter for Tangled Up With The Mafia is up!


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dear author
          I absolutely love your books, and it's ok if you don't write chapters this long, but pleaseeee write them in short. 
          This way you'll be able to complete your books in short time and will also give us a regular update. 
          Please complete the book "tangled up with the mafia"
          I really want to know what happens next in Allison's life. 


And please at least inform us that you will not be posting any more chapters. 


Hello everyone, I'm back again...
          And, 'Tangled Up With The Mafia' has been updated!
          Ik it's been way too long to be considered acceptable so I'll be short. I had literally the worst few months following July - like they were the actual worst I've ever had and I had no time to write until the start of this year. I am very sorry for the huge delay and hopefully things wont get as bad as the end of last year to the point where writing had to be put to the very bottom of my priorities. So, hopefully, for those who had been waiting for the update to 'Tangled Up With The Mafia' will be happy with this update. Until the next, that's all I have to really say. Thank you for those who waited!


@Browngirl_101 thanks so much, things are a bit better now haha and hopefully will only continue to improve!


@ramenmocchi hope you're alright! <3


Hi ramenmocchi 
          We are actually fine with you uploading late because your chapters are really long and amazing...but please reply if there will be a future update on tangled up with the mafia


@watt_k_05 thank you for being so eager for the next chapter! I'm a bit swamped by uni work rn but I'll try my best to get another chapter as soon as I can


@ramenmocchi hie lm happy that you finally uploaded the chapter but please can you upload more lm left on thread with the suspense


@watt_k_05 Hi, sorry this is two months late T.T but it's finally updated now! So sorry for the wait!


Hey I really wanted to know if you wouldn’t mind uploading the unedited version of “my happiness” chapter on the mafia story I really liked that scene so much I would just come back to read that alone I would really appreciate if I’m not asking for to much you’re one of my favorites writers 


@dallaz_quoia I'm really sorry I wish I could do that for you but I actually wrote the edited version over the original as the original was written in wattpad and not a separate word document I'm really sorry to have to disappoint you like this 