
Tagged by: @randomthingsbyme (thanks, I guess, haha)
          	The Rules -
          	- You have to put five facts about yourself.
          	- It can't be in the comments / replies.
          	- You have to complete this before a week or there will be punishment!
          	- Don't forget to post the rules.
          	- Don't back out!
          	- Tag fifteen people.
          	Alright so here’s mine:
          	1.) my three favorite films are all from 1984 (Rhinestone, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, This Is Spinal Tap).
          	2.) I was born during a hurricane. I was born during Hurricane Floyd here in New Jersey. the power went out at the hospital when my mom was being rolled into surgery (I was a c-section) and they had to use generator power. no one knew I was born until four days later when the power was back all throughout the state of New Jersey (except my dad’s aunt’s in Florida, for some reason). The doctors suggested naming me “Floydette”, which isn’t even a real name.
          	3.) I like films about monsters (not horror films) like Jurassic Park, The Blob, Jaws, Tremors, etc.
          	4.)  I didn't realize that my middle name was my middle name until I was nine years old. my parents had originally meant to spell my first name "Sarahbeth" and give me no middle name, but my mom wrote it wrong and wrote "Sarah Beth", making Beth legally my middle name. but since my parents have always called me "Sarah Beth", and I knew there was a space, I never really realized that "Beth" wasn't a part of my first name.
          	5.) I really only like singers from the 1950s through the 1980s, or what is known as “classic rock”. my three favorites are Elvis Presley, Phil Collins/Genesis, and Adam Ant/Adam and the Ants.
          	Tagging:  I apologize for the random tagging. I literally went into my followers/who I’m following, and just found fifteen random people.
          	@80sweirdo @naturegirl_70 @stevierandle98 @shanny02 @marifaith44445 @downeys_duckling @AwKwardhoMeschooler @7_27cat @directi_one_r1 @makita08 @JokersBunny @bwatkins78 @Jaimie_Rocky @candice8315 @sodaapop5


haha, thanks. ironically, someone who my parents knew from the church was supposed to be born on my birthday and I was supposed to be born on his- but we switched. it was supposed to be him during the hurricane.


That's a pretty cool story behind your birth :)


Tagged by: @randomthingsbyme (thanks, I guess, haha)
          The Rules -
          - You have to put five facts about yourself.
          - It can't be in the comments / replies.
          - You have to complete this before a week or there will be punishment!
          - Don't forget to post the rules.
          - Don't back out!
          - Tag fifteen people.
          Alright so here’s mine:
          1.) my three favorite films are all from 1984 (Rhinestone, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, This Is Spinal Tap).
          2.) I was born during a hurricane. I was born during Hurricane Floyd here in New Jersey. the power went out at the hospital when my mom was being rolled into surgery (I was a c-section) and they had to use generator power. no one knew I was born until four days later when the power was back all throughout the state of New Jersey (except my dad’s aunt’s in Florida, for some reason). The doctors suggested naming me “Floydette”, which isn’t even a real name.
          3.) I like films about monsters (not horror films) like Jurassic Park, The Blob, Jaws, Tremors, etc.
          4.)  I didn't realize that my middle name was my middle name until I was nine years old. my parents had originally meant to spell my first name "Sarahbeth" and give me no middle name, but my mom wrote it wrong and wrote "Sarah Beth", making Beth legally my middle name. but since my parents have always called me "Sarah Beth", and I knew there was a space, I never really realized that "Beth" wasn't a part of my first name.
          5.) I really only like singers from the 1950s through the 1980s, or what is known as “classic rock”. my three favorites are Elvis Presley, Phil Collins/Genesis, and Adam Ant/Adam and the Ants.
          Tagging:  I apologize for the random tagging. I literally went into my followers/who I’m following, and just found fifteen random people.
          @80sweirdo @naturegirl_70 @stevierandle98 @shanny02 @marifaith44445 @downeys_duckling @AwKwardhoMeschooler @7_27cat @directi_one_r1 @makita08 @JokersBunny @bwatkins78 @Jaimie_Rocky @candice8315 @sodaapop5


haha, thanks. ironically, someone who my parents knew from the church was supposed to be born on my birthday and I was supposed to be born on his- but we switched. it was supposed to be him during the hurricane.


That's a pretty cool story behind your birth :)