

Guys this dude I went to school with finally got the courage to take off his face mask (I think he has facial dysmorphia) and he was absolutely stunning and beautiful and I wanted to tell him but alas, I am too shy


i think u should tell him ! also bro sounds like a movie character that’s so sad that he doesn’t see how beautiful he is


@rainy-dazed If you get a chance, you should do it.
            People always appreciate being genuine(In my experience), unless they express otherwise. And I know I would be pleasantly surprised if someone came up to me and told me my face looked nice.
            And unless this person is a jerk, they'll probably react positively and kindly. But it's up to you, and if you feel like you don't want to, then don't!


I just published the last chapter of my Eddie fic. I literally sobbed at the end chapter. It's been two years of writing and I finally finished it. I am so happy with the ending and I hope you all take time to read it. Thank you all for your support.