
Hi everyone!
          	Just wanted to announce that Chapter 115: Violet and Blue is now published and ready for you all to read! 
          	I'm now thinking the story will end around Chapter 120, as we are now getting to the final battle between our heroes and their enemies. I hate having to end things but after writing this story for over 2 years (on and off) I know it has to come to a close. Eventually, I would love to rewrite the story as my writing has changed over the last couple of years but still - I just love this book and am so incredibly proud of it. 
          	Thank you to everyone new and old that has supported me and my stories, it really does mean the world to me. Writing is my greatest hobby that I've actually stuck with and I cannot wait to see how it continues over the years. 
          	Thank you all!


Hi everyone!
          Just wanted to announce that Chapter 115: Violet and Blue is now published and ready for you all to read! 
          I'm now thinking the story will end around Chapter 120, as we are now getting to the final battle between our heroes and their enemies. I hate having to end things but after writing this story for over 2 years (on and off) I know it has to come to a close. Eventually, I would love to rewrite the story as my writing has changed over the last couple of years but still - I just love this book and am so incredibly proud of it. 
          Thank you to everyone new and old that has supported me and my stories, it really does mean the world to me. Writing is my greatest hobby that I've actually stuck with and I cannot wait to see how it continues over the years. 
          Thank you all!


          Chapter 114: The Maze, is now up and ready for you all to read. Thank you to everyone adding the Freaks to their reading lists and to all the new commenters and voters, thank you for being here! I cannot believe we've nearly hit 49K reads, it's a dream come true!
          I hope you enjoy the latest chapter and fingers crossed, this determination continues. Enjoy!


Well, I'm on a bit of a high and felt it was only fair to release the next chapter of the Freaks! Chapter 113: Cells is now up and ready for you all to read! 
          Thank you to everyone who has recently added the Freaks to their reading list, left comments and votes. It's been so lovely to hear such positivity coming from this story and it makes me so determined to get more chapters out. I've managed to write another 2 chapters which I will be going over in the coming days and will hopefully manage to put out as soon as possible. 
          Chapter 114 and 115 will be arriving soon!


Hi guys! 
          Managed to get a first draft of two upcoming chapters for 'The Freaks' this evening. I'll read through them again and make any changes etc before hopefully releasing them as soon as possible! 
          As a little teaser, Chapter 112 is called Labyrinth and 113 is potentially 'Cells'. Fingers crossed you love them as much as I am currently!


Hi everyone!
          Just wanted to come on here quickly and say hi! I'm sorry for not updating in a while, it's just been a whirlwind at the moment. I have been working on something in the background since the end of last year and part of me really wants to release the first 10 chapters that I have written so far. 
          Recently, I have fallen in love with the Hunger Games world again and was really inspired to write a new fic about it. In whatever spare time I've had, I have managed to write 15 chapters of a new story and have been slowly adding them to Wattpad to one day release. Ideally, I'd like to finish the story first but I would also like to see if this is something people will like... so I'm torn!


Hi everyone! So I recently bought myself a new iPad and decided to take up some digital drawing. As I was wondering what to draw today, I decided - it was time for me to draw River. 
          When writing the Freaks, I knew that I wanted to insert a lot of myself into a character and River was exactly how I did that. I’ve changed my current account image to the one I drew (its only the third picture I’ve drawn but I’m so incredibly proud of it!). I wasn’t sure where to update it, considering I don’t really use my dedicated instagram page but I wanted to show her somewhere! 
          If any of you can see it, I hope you all like it! Xo


Hi everyone! 
          I'm so sorry for going slightly MIA - life has just been crazy busy and I've barely had the energy or time to put out the next chapter. Thank you to everyone that has stuck around and to all the new people that are now beginning to read the Freaks! I can happily say, Chapter 111: Addison Temple is now up and ready for you all to read - just in time for Christmas!
          I hope you all have a wonderful and festive holiday season and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting all of my stories thus far. 
          Have a wonderful rest of 2023! <3


Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing amazing. Once again, I'd like to thank you all for the amazing support on the Freaks - it never stops amazing me seeing all the likes, comments and new reads on my page. Truly, thank you all for that. 
          The latest chapter, has just been published and is ready for you all to read. There is a trigger warning at the top of the chapter, so please be mindful when you read it! 
          We're nearing the end of the Freaks, all of the final pieces are coming together and the group are frantically fighting against the clock! I'm so sad that this is coming to finish, but I know after two years of writing this, over 100 chapters - the story needs to end. I've grown to love all of these characters, from our Sally Face heroes, as well as my own originals that I adore with my whole heart. I won't leave them behind so who's to say I won't incorporate them into another story! 
          Thank you all for your support!