
Hello everyone! Go follow einsee and read his first story, whenever he gets it posted. I love you all! Make him feel welcome! Subscribe to him! He tells the best stories and you dont want to miss them!


love you 


@flowershaddows no. its not. i love you my dear. ❤ 


I've learned that the times we expect the best, usually the worst comes. But when we expect the worst, the best comes. But life is short so don't spend it hating how much it sucks, because life is always going to suck at one point. But then eventually it stops. Its like a roller coaster. You have the uphill slope from a child to your teenage years. For some people the uphill seems like forever, and for some, not long enough. Then the down hill comes and the same thing-some feel that it lasts forever and some feel that it went by so fast. Then there are more ups and downs but not as big as the first. And sometimes, someone just cant handle the downhill, but it goes on for them and for everyone else. So your uphill will come soon. Just dont believe everything is going to go down hill and dont let little things pull you downhill further.