
Sorry for going incognito!! I celebrated turning 23 recently, and then not long after my birthday I got pink eye and couldn’t look into any light due to how painful/sensitive my eye was. I’m recovering now and will be updating Hypnotized now that my eye is almost back to normal! 


Sorry for going incognito!! I celebrated turning 23 recently, and then not long after my birthday I got pink eye and couldn’t look into any light due to how painful/sensitive my eye was. I’m recovering now and will be updating Hypnotized now that my eye is almost back to normal! 


Happy New Year to all of you! I just posted Chapter 45 of Hypnotized! Go check it out! 
          This year, I plan to finish Hypnotized. It has been my work that has taken the longest to complete, so I owe it to myself and to all of you guys to finish it this year. So I plan on it!


It’s been 7 years since I joined Wattpad. As I look back, I’m super grateful for this app. I started writing as a joke, after one of my closest friends showed me this app when we were in sophomore year of high school, because she read a lot of anime fan fic. When I started The Hot Doctor, it was just for fun. But the more I submerged myself in the craft of writing, I realized how much I loved it. Although The Hot Doctor could definitely use some touch ups, it was my first work that brought me into the writing world. 
          One of these days, I’m hoping to get my works published, and whenever that day comes, I have my friend, and this app to thank. 


Working on Hypnotized as I type!! I plan on having it finished before the year ends, and I appreciate the patience you guys have had with me and how long I’ve taken to update and work on it. Life has gotten so much more hectic for me since becoming an adult. While working on The Hot Doctor and Playing Games, I was a teenager and didn’t have so many responsibilities. Now that I’m an adult and I’m in school as well as having two jobs and having to worry about my bills, life is very busy and I try to write whenever I can. 
          I also want to thank you guys for being patient with me in terms of my mental health getting in the way of my ability to update. I promise to be better and not let it debilitate me as much as it has in the past. 
          Thank you for your understanding. :)


Life has a way of testing me. I've been so busy, trying to work both of my jobs to make extra money (especially since everything is so expensive now due to inflation), and I'm also in the midst of trying to find a new place to live because the lease at the apartment I'm currently at is about to end, and I no longer desire to stay somewhere so expensive when there are other (cheeper, and bigger) options in my area. On top of that, I've been having issues with my mental health, and other personal problems within my life. I just want to say sorry for how inactive I've been, and I promise that I'll try to be better about updating. I uploaded Chapter 42 a couple of days ago, and I'm currently working on Chapter 43. 
          Thank you guys so much for the patience. :)