
/      CB!!  n  spec  if  you  wanna  :)


// absolutely!


" Kate ? " her name ( which he drew out for longer than needed ) fell from the archer's lips with confusion as he arched a brow " what are you doin' ? " he asked as he watched her ,  to be fair she did a lot of things that confused him , after all when he was practically the old man of the Avengers ( after Steve of course ) teenage antics were one thing he'd never understand .
          ;// oops I apologise if this is bad >.>


⠀   with kate's bent over position over the table,  her small smile was hidden from her mentor as he called her name.  “ clinntttt?? ”  she mirrored his drawl as she sat more straight in her seat.  an arrow in hand as she tried to try and tough it out.  “ i'm trying to invent a new arrow but it isn't working out so well.  neither is the idea. ”  she held up the arrow with the empty tip,  then looking towards clint with the same smile,  “ it's like a water arrow or something.  when it reaches the point of impact it sprays water everywhere.  but i fail to see when it's useful... ”      @BloodiedArrows- 
            /      it's great thank you!!


"Kate — what the hell are you doing there?!"
          // here you go, dear xx


⠀   it was a very much like mentor-like mentee moment.  she was sure if herself had gone MIA,  clint would surely ask for help to find her.  she hoped anyway—   but nonetheless she nodded,  “ yeah,  i'm alright.  it's nothing. ”  she waved it off and removed her hand from the top of her head.  with a defeated sigh she averted her eyes.  you could see that she was disappointed by his answer.  kate would always admit it,  that she missed her best friend.  “ i mean,  we could.  it's hard to reach her though,  for me at least.  i wouldn't know where to begin to look for her —- and him! ”  kate knew all too well that clint could care for himself.  seen times that he has.  but,  like bucky,  she was worried.      @-whitewolves 


He was going to warn her, but it was too late -- like mentor like mentee, he supposed. "Are you okay?" he would ask then, tilting his head slightly upon hearing her words. "No, sorry, I... I actually came here to ask you the same thing. I thought that, perhaps, you would know. Well, guess we should try Nat?" he didn't want to think the worse, after all, he knew Clint could take care of himself -- but still, he worried.
            // ofc ofc !! xx


⠀   “bucky!”  the archer jumped a little in her spot,  which successfully hit her head on the edge of something.  wincing,  she put her hand over her head and climbed out.  “well,  honestly?  i'm looking for clint.  he's been MIA recently and...  thought he'd be with you.  i dunno...”      @-whitewolves 
            /      tysm,  my love!! <3


"I am bored. And when I'm bored, I start having ideas -- last time, I almost blew up the kitchen. I need a distraction, can I upgrade your bow? Add a laser beam to it, maybe?"


She was Clint's mentee, so of course she understood *everything* about dramatics and playfulness. To keep up with the archer...! Often he thought the blond was worse than him when it came to drama. Tony laughed along with the younger archer, smiling brightly to her once she approached him. "Yes, definitely! Could you go opening that piece from one of my old armors?" he pointed at the spare shoulder piece, where he stored a system of miniaturized laser weapons from his Mark III. "The tool is the one right in front of you. Once it's opened, let me know."


“ everyone would wish they had a stark laser arrow .  carefully crafted and designed by /the/ great tony stark himself . ”  she shot him a playful look back ,  she knew a lot about dramatics and playfulness .  so she could keep up with him for the most part .  grabbing a spare rolling chair he had around ,  sitting on it and rolling closer to the table ,  she watched as all the parts laid on the table .  her hands itched with wanting to help ,  “ anything i could do ? ”      @-hasaheart 


"I know, right?" his mind was already racing, a thousand thoughts per minute, as he gathered all his tools and the prototypes -- 'empty' arrow heads, just waiting to be turned into a trick arrow --, to make the laser arrow. Tony nodded, letting out an 'Aaahhh!' noise. "Yes, he probably does --" but then, he was sending her a playful look again. "But it's not a /Stark/ Laser Arrow."


alright,  that’s it,  we’re getting married in vegas.
          /   let’s pretend like i’m not retired from wattpad for two seconds bc them  <33


@hawkeyss }
            yeah !   and we’ll have tax benefits !   we are  *geniuses* !
            /    i’ll make it betbetbet


that's  sounds  like  a  very  good  idea .   it'll  just  be  like  nothing  really  happened  except  we're  on  a  different  level  of  relationship !!    @scorchmarks 
                  /      omg yeah?? that would be so cool!! plus i'd be so much more active and we'd get more of them sobs


@hawkeyss }
            really ?!     great !   we probably shouldn’t tell anyone for a  GOOD   few months though  ..   i want to enjoy being married  / without /  all the questions.
            /    OMG  waitttt i’d be so down to do a discord rp ??   :0   do you want me to make a server for it or ??


i’m stealing your hawkeye pajamas.


@hawkeyss }
            as your future wife,   you are my downfall,  hawkeye.


you're  right .   i  will  be  your  downfall .      @scorchmarks 


@hawkeyss }
            …    i hate how in love with you i am.


please don’t tell me that’s your phone ringing  / right /  now ?


@hawkeyss }
            *  avery allowed them both to fall back into the bed,  a soft laugh escaping her lips.   blue eyes danced with mischief.  *      i expect a   FULL  proposal for leaving me alone for so long.   


the  best  welcoming  back  ever .   (   kate  wrapped  her  arms  around  avery ,   now  not  wanting  to  let  go  now ,   )   the  three  of  my  top  favorites  waiting  for  me  for  when  i  get  back .   you ,   your  hugs ,   and  your  kisses .      @scorchmarks 


@hawkeyss }
            it will be.    you’ll come back,  and i’ll embrace you like this  —   * she wrapped her arms around kate’s shoulders for emphasis. *   then i’ll kiss you and kiss you until you forget your name.    


you’ve gotta be kidding me .   “ a hero with a taste for bad girls “ .   are you seeing this ?


@hawkeyss }
            avoidance it is.   * avery flashed her a grin,  kissing her again.   she allowed this one to linger more.  regardless of what happened,  she could at least be assured that what they had in private wouldn’t change. *


yeah ,   maybe —   (   soon  cut  off  by  the  kiss ,   kate  was  quick  to  return  it  and  placing  a  steadying  hand  on  avery's  nape ,   )   i  think  u  like  the  second  option  a  little  more .   you  should  know  that .      @scorchmarks 


@hawkeyss }
            maaaaybe you should do that.   * avery then grabbed kate by the shirt collar,  pressing a firm kiss against her lips. *   or maybe we should pretend like nothing’s wrong for a few more hours ? 