
this message may be offensive
Fuckin found log in only took me THREE FUCKING DAYS 


this message may be offensive
So today I had history and my teacher got into the topic about rape and how it’s the victims fault for ‘letting’ it happen
          And I most definitely did not agree with the sick cunt. 
          I just want to say if you have been sexually harassed/assaulted/abused. And are afraid to tell anyone. Or afraid in case no-one will believe you. Take it from me, speak up, and it’s not ur fault, 
          And if you ever need to vent or talk to someone I’m here and I promise anything anyone says is completely privet
          I hope ur all doing fine and I hope you all have a great Christmas 


So apparently I'm MeNtAlLy UnStAbLe. Amd they just realised that  now 
          Oh and to the ppl that were reading his dark side I'm posting a chapter every thursday or friday more or less


@Reader460168 they hate my guts literaly 


@queenriddle22 Don't worry,  they are crazier than you, trust me. 


So just to let u know why i am not updating he's dark side is becouse im running out of ideas but im not gonna stop writing it. And i just stated writing a new fanfic called the ARRENGED LOVE(Tom riddle xy/n black) byee hope all of u doin well