
i am very impatient when it comes to waiting for the schedule so i am releasing the first episode of season 10 and 5! i hope you like it!
          	i have already planned out season 11 and season 6 entirely and i can't wait to get started on them :)


@queenofdeansbooty so she gonna be evil till the end of season 10 ?


i am very impatient when it comes to waiting for the schedule so i am releasing the first episode of season 10 and 5! i hope you like it!
          i have already planned out season 11 and season 6 entirely and i can't wait to get started on them :)


@queenofdeansbooty so she gonna be evil till the end of season 10 ?


i am ahead of schedule and have finished season 10 and 5! i have published the schedules for both series :) i can't wait for you read what's in store for these beloved characters! i know i say this all the time but i really do appreciate your patience as i work to deliver the best that i can <3 i really hope you enjoy!


i wanted to give you all an update on what i've been doing lately, and what you can expect from me in the coming months.
          for the past week, i have been working hard on my own book! i am on chapter nineteen and already 57k words with a vision of 31 chapters and over 80k words. i am trying to get it done so i can send it off to publishing houses with the hope that i might have my own published book one day! <3 fingers crossed!
          the good news is that this is my second draft so i already have the first draft written. i just need to modify it and make it better, so the process is going by a lot faster.
          i am on episode 15 of season 10 of spn AND episode 15 of season 5 for cm, so i should have seaosn 10 and 5 done hopefully by the end of may, if not sometime in june
          i am also in the middle of writing thor: the dark world with everything already outlined and planned. i should have that out soon.
          big things are coming <3 thank you for your patience!


@queenofdeansbooty That's Freaking Awsome! I'm so excited 


Im so excited I love your series rewrites!!!!


Do u have an idea when season 10 of supernatural will come out ?


i really wanna shoot for the end of May. I usually take more than 2 months at this point but i have 10 episodes left and the plot is so *chef’s kiss* that I am knocking the episodes out of the park so it could be earlier but May is where I’m at


is there gonna be smut for the criminal minds series?


i’m sure you’ll do great bc i LOVE your writing and thank youuu


i can try but i feel like i’m so bad at it compared to the rest of my writing. i don’t connect to it on a personal level. i’ve never had sex, honestly. i don’t know how it feels. but i can try to work it in for the coming seasons! i just finished 5.11 so i can definitely add it in!


Just wondering if there's a release date for season 5 of the criminal minds rewrite. No pressure your book is just so good


@queenofdeansbooty  thanks for
            The reply I can't wait☺️


@TheDoctor56765 i am in the middle of writing the episode where hayley dies  working to get it done as soon as possible!


Probably around July-September cuz that’s usually around the time it’s released 


happy new year everyone! i have decided to release the last two episodes of my supernatural rewrite (i literally couldn't wait. i am just so excited) so this means season 9 is finally complete! i can't wait until season 10 is done because there is so much happening <3 thank you to all who made it this far and i hope you enjoy! <3


@ queenofdeansbooty  okay! (・ω・)b


@Sky_Sea29 i have no idea yet! i only have the first eight episodes finished right now. when i get closer to the end, ill have a date in mind!


@ queenofdeansbooty  Hey!  Happy New Year!  When do you think you can release season 10??  You made me more curious than ever!!


should i change the way i post to twice a week instead of once? do you like the once a week or no?


I would  love that but do whatever works best for you,


            I would love that, but please do what works best for you


@queenofdeansbooty I would honestly love 2 times a week but genuinely whatever works best for you