
Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I made a fandom account on Instagram! :) it's called deancas.fever  if you follow and comment that you're from wattpad I'll either follow back, send a DM, or give you a shoutout. Or if you follow just because you actually care, then thanks :) you rock 


Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I made a fandom account on Instagram! :) it's called deancas.fever  if you follow and comment that you're from wattpad I'll either follow back, send a DM, or give you a shoutout. Or if you follow just because you actually care, then thanks :) you rock 


@wolfysmartypants101 it's perfectly fine xD the arctic monkeys are just <3 supernatural is my lifeeeee. I don't remember what it was like before it xD btw my first fanfic is coming soon and it's a supernatural fanfic ;) so stay tuned. I, sorry if I already sent you this I'm not used to the new update yet. 


Hey guys, so I just wanted to announce that my supernatural fanfic, Hunter in the making, will be posted soon! I've been working really hard on this and I'm so excited to share this story with you all. This story means so much to me and it'd be awesome if you guys checked it out. The first couple chapters will be posted soon, so keep checking my message board for updates.