
Hey, everyone! Tomorrow's the day! Kinda crazy! I'll be gone until May of 2024.
          	This is just a sign off, letting you all know that I love you and thank you so much for the support. It'll be so much fun to how much my stories will grow when I get back. Thanks so much for the love and thank you for 30k on Shooting Star! 
          	You are all so amazing and I love you all!
          	Peace out


Hi I know you might not get back to me but I resantly started getting into book binding and I was wondering if I could have your promision to bind two of your books, Shooting Star and Wishes. I just thought I should ask before I start anything.


Hey, everyone! Tomorrow's the day! Kinda crazy! I'll be gone until May of 2024.
          This is just a sign off, letting you all know that I love you and thank you so much for the support. It'll be so much fun to how much my stories will grow when I get back. Thanks so much for the love and thank you for 30k on Shooting Star! 
          You are all so amazing and I love you all!
          Peace out


For those of you that were wondering when my trip across the world starts, it'll start on the 5th of December. It was later than I was expecting, but that gives me time to work on some stuff which is good. 
          I'm very excited! Thanks loves for the support!
          Peace out


Two things:
          1.) I changed the chapter names. Instead of having a renaming inside the chapter, the renaming is the chapter name now and the episode name is in the chapter at the beginning. 
          2.) Let me know, but, in Wishes, is anyone else getting that double chapter glitch or is it just me?
          Love you all!
          Peace out


If you notice, Shooting Star no longer has its "Under Major Editing" tab next to it anymore. That means we've finished! It's edited! Some things have changed just a smidge to fit in or to blend better, but the story is the same ... for the most part. Thank you all for 24k (almost) reads! You're amazing and I love you all!
          Peace out


Hello, my lovely people!
          This fall or winter (the dates haven't been decided yet) I'll be leaving on a two year expedition around the world. It's crazy to think that I'll be gone for that long. I'll have no access to the internet nor the site I use to write on, so I, unfortunately, will it be able to write or publish for two years.
          I'm telling you this so when I disappear, you won't be surprised or worried. I'll be trying my best to write over these next months, finishing Wishes and the book to follow more than my Harry Potter series, just because that came first. I don't know if I will continue writing after I come back, but I hope to, and that is my plan to. 
          Wish me luck and I'll keep you updated on dates and time periods.
          Love you all, and thank you for the support!
          Peace out


@JUP1TERA5CEND1NG I definitely will, my dear! I should know soon.


@queencleverlevon if you are willing, please let us know when you will be leaving once it has been decided. 


Just wanna say I just started to read shooting star and I love it I love the way you write I thought I'd say it here because it won't let me comment on the actual story but I lovee it so far 


@Drugsthenhugs ai, it must have been a glitch from when it was accidently deleted. 


@queencleverlevon yeah it just keeps saying story part not found 


@Drugsthenhugs Thank you so much! I love hearing positive feedback! Sorry the story won't let you comment on it. Hopefully that bit gets fixed.