
I'm sorry I haven't been on here much lately. My hometown was hit by hurricane Harvey and there's some major damage. My house is ok, luckily but a lot of my friends are going through a really difficult time right now. Please send prayers for us.  -TheQueen


I'm sorry I haven't been on here much lately. My hometown was hit by hurricane Harvey and there's some major damage. My house is ok, luckily but a lot of my friends are going through a really difficult time right now. Please send prayers for us.  -TheQueen


Just wanted to let you guys know, I'm writing an OHSHC x Reader and I'd really love it if you read the first chapter when I publish it. I've never written a book before and I really hope it doesn't suck. Thanks guys, love you. 


@Vsqz08 it'll probably suck so I'm sorry. :(


@queen_kitten12 Ohh~! Finally, a new story to read!


Hey, thanks for adding my x reader to your reading list! I know my updates are slow but I'll be sure to update soon. 
          Hope you have a good day~


You're welcome :)


No Problem. I add books to reading lists so other people can find them and enjoy them as much as I did. I loved your book by the way.  


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