
I'm having a struggle here... Not enjoyable for some people to hear, I guess. I want to close my wattpad account for good. Idk how to do it. It's just that wattpad has gotten so boring and I'm not reading nor actually posting anything. I'm sorry for being such a procrastinator and leaving those stories in half, but they're not worth it to begin with since I do have greater ideas,and wattpad simply isn't good enough to fulfill them upon. With that being said, I hope everyone has a happy future!! Now I need to figure out how to delete this account... 


@ queen_bee_bee03  @ queen_bee_bee03  


I'm having a struggle here... Not enjoyable for some people to hear, I guess. I want to close my wattpad account for good. Idk how to do it. It's just that wattpad has gotten so boring and I'm not reading nor actually posting anything. I'm sorry for being such a procrastinator and leaving those stories in half, but they're not worth it to begin with since I do have greater ideas,and wattpad simply isn't good enough to fulfill them upon. With that being said, I hope everyone has a happy future!! Now I need to figure out how to delete this account... 


@ queen_bee_bee03  @ queen_bee_bee03  


this message may be offensive
Only 8 more chapters for the GOOD part to arrive at "If I were a boy" like, everyone that likes romance and complicated shit should read it already. Also, the character in not a bad boy! AT LAST!!! But he's HOT AF!!! Please give this book a chance!! *crosses fingers*


Please take a look at the new book I published. It's all to your own likes, after all, this isn't a book I wrote, but one I translated from my own language because it's my most favorite book and I haven't seen it in English nor anywhere in Wattpad. I assure you, you won't be dissapointed in it!!! 


Why r people so obsess with having there book read I mean I don't see the point I write books too but I don't ask anyone to read them. *all of a sudden Death from the book "Death is My Bff" jumps out and starts dancing* "I'm so sexy" *me*  "you wouldn't be saying that that when I throw your ass to hell then watch u rot" *Death snaps lighting bolt* *kills me*
          "Poor child you lived a good life"
          *comes back from the dead to haunt you* 


LMAOO! Truly, it is a struggle when they do ask you to read their books! If I find it good, I'll read it! But it gets less exciting when people are desperate to read their own art work!
            And also, RIP!!!