
⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀ ⠀no past and no future.


/ reposting.. its been a while


⠀ ⠀ the king of spades, the overseer of the casino castrum, who goes by the alias ‘ouverte’. they have been here in penacony for as long as many can remember, a steady presence in the neverending blur of light and ecstasy that is the golden hour. he won’t tell you anything about himself, even if you asked in the politest of tones.. but they’re very happy to assist you in the games and slip you a drink in between rolls of dice! their fur coat reflects the lights of a grand chandelier and the shine of gambling chips, a soft yet mischievous grin curling his lips as they sling an arm around their dear aide. he enjoys every moment just as much as they hope you do, they’ll say.. even if it’s all just a dream.


⠀ ⠀ CASINO CASTRUM, ⠀ (  …  ) ⠀the famed casino in the heart of golden hour. easily visible even from far away with its flashing lights and billboards, (as long as you are of age, that is!) it is a prime destination for any first-timer or regular. its overseer will gladly welcome you should you decide to visit, directing or even personally participating in the many games that take place on the daily. in the dream where the sun never sets, enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.. glory be to the Harmony, to their united and blessed celebration! do stay awhile, you may remain as long as you want. after all, you have all the time in the world.


i have no interest in.. gambling.    [..]    there was a girl running through here. did you see which way she went?


@bladens,                  hm. i think so, yes.. only for a moment though. i believe she was going in that direction.


short,   her hair is light with some blue tips. she wears a sort of.. headband,  and her eyes are sort of like an ombre.  


@bladens,                'girl'? that's a very broad description, dear sir. would you care to elaborate?


⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀ ⠀no past and no future.


/ reposting.. its been a while


⠀ ⠀ the king of spades, the overseer of the casino castrum, who goes by the alias ‘ouverte’. they have been here in penacony for as long as many can remember, a steady presence in the neverending blur of light and ecstasy that is the golden hour. he won’t tell you anything about himself, even if you asked in the politest of tones.. but they’re very happy to assist you in the games and slip you a drink in between rolls of dice! their fur coat reflects the lights of a grand chandelier and the shine of gambling chips, a soft yet mischievous grin curling his lips as they sling an arm around their dear aide. he enjoys every moment just as much as they hope you do, they’ll say.. even if it’s all just a dream.


⠀ ⠀ CASINO CASTRUM, ⠀ (  …  ) ⠀the famed casino in the heart of golden hour. easily visible even from far away with its flashing lights and billboards, (as long as you are of age, that is!) it is a prime destination for any first-timer or regular. its overseer will gladly welcome you should you decide to visit, directing or even personally participating in the many games that take place on the daily. in the dream where the sun never sets, enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.. glory be to the Harmony, to their united and blessed celebration! do stay awhile, you may remain as long as you want. after all, you have all the time in the world.


〝  . . . i can't exactly move around with you clinging onto me ouverte-  do you want me to carry you instead﹖ "


@dealthand,                  ⋆  he laughs briefly, a huff of breath against the collarbone of the bartender. he’d long grown used to misère’s antics, even though the ensuing blush never seemed to fade.  ⋆                yours? hmm, i’ll think about it. you’ve got to earn that right, misère — -          you’re not getting it for free.


〝  really now﹖  then consider me honored " misère's nose briefly brushed against ouverte's due to the other tilting his head,  causing the brunette himself to chuckle at the ticklish feeling〝  does that mean i can also call you mine﹖"


@dealthand,                ⋆  always one to blush, their head tilts in the direction of the kiss while pink dusts his cheeks. they enjoyed it though, judging by how his lips curled in a satisfied smile.  ⋆             always so eager, hmm? well, consider this a privilege.. you're the only one who gets to do this.


〝  hm,  i just thought of changing my appearance like you did that one time.  i was even given more tips than usual which isn't a surprise "


@dealthand,                 ⋆  their gaze narrows minutely, picking up on their bartender's exhaustion. it's normal concern for their employees, he tells themself.. certainly not because they especially wanted misère to be able to rest well.  ⋆              we can close the casino for the afternoon,               ⋆  they decide, setting another stack of chips down in a growing pile.  ⋆               or, i'll simply get someone to stand in for you. the patrons can certainly survive a while without our celebrated bartender.


〝  i think i've had my fair share of compliments for today "her eyes briefly closed,  the feeling of sleepiness beginning to take creep up mainly due to the room's dimly lit atmosphere and peacefulness〝  now if i took a break,  who'd be in charge of making drinks if someone were to come by﹖ "


@dealthand,                 always with the praises, misère. why don't you save some for yourself too?              ⋆  ouverte's reclined in an armchair near one of the dealer's tables, idly counting chips with one hand while the other turns a solitary chip over and around their fingers. their eyes flick towards the other, gaze softening with something that could only be described as fond.  ⋆               you should have a rest too, misère. you've worked hard.. i would say you're very deserving of a break.


"  you seem troubled,  and your halo conveys exactly that.  so why do you insist on lying to me?  "


@knaviem,                 b͟o͟s͟s͟— -            i swear,        (  …  )       it’s just some thoughts i’ve been having. but they won’t impede my work.


"  you..  ‘promise’?  must i use f͟o͟r͟c͟e this time just so you could spit some words out?  "


@knaviem,              it’s.. nothing of concern, boss. i promise.


You're all red ... are you coming down with a fever or something? C'mere, lemme see.


@bloodbornes,                there's nothing wrong. i swear.        ⋆  still, they can't help but flush..  ⋆


[ And she's not listening, placing her hand against his forehead. ]   You'll only make it worse if you say no, hun.


@bloodbornes,              no, no.. i'm fine. really..