I'm crazy about books, science and music. #Music is my escape. I like any music which makes me feel different .
*I am a huge fan of these people:::: Lana Del Rey, Imagine dragons , Linkin Park and Porcupine tree. #I like all types of books/writings: from classics to fanfics.
*I absolutely worship R.Tagore,E.A Poe,T.S.Eliot, Paulo Coelho,Ayn Rand.
* I belong to the Harry Potter fandom.
*I love the X- men::::my fav five are:*NIGHTCRAWLER*,Wolverine,Phoenix, Cyclops and Professor X. ## I wish I were a mutant,with some supercool mutation .....actually I'm having a slight mutation, but it isn't that cool ,really .I am polydactyl.I have six fingers on my right hand.....which was. ...not really cool for me as a kid duh!!class bullies .
But then****" I'M MUTANT AND PROUD ."**** ###############################
For me,books are pathways to an alternate world,which exists not only in the pages of the book,but also paves a permanent track in our minds and leaves a trail in our soul.
So I guess this is it then.Thank you for checking out my profile . Keep reading and***************************
***********GO INSANE*************
¤¤¤ In case you were wondering what my username meant. I will try explaining it to you in a few words:-
A QUARK is an elementary particle. A proton has 3 quarks, which sometimes appear to be free. These quarks have a quantum mechanical property called" colour" and interact with each other through the exchange of particles called GLUONS - nature glue.Similarly a neutron is also made up of 3 quarks,electrons are not made up of quarks.¤¤¤
  • JoinedOctober 7, 2015

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