
A question to those who are willing to answer: I was just curious. Why do you all like the 'Day Off' chapter from my hyuna and jimin story so much? Just because I see so many votes for that chapter, so I was wondering, is it because of the writing style or plot, or did you like it better when they were both idols as their own selves? Do reply if you want to, even if its short, it really helps me build myself as a writer 


@pxrkchimhyunxkim Hey Bella! I think the plot is entertaining and well thought out. The way you described things made it all even mote enjoyable and it didnt feel like i was reading a script hence it felt real. =) Timing was good too, maybe make it a little slower?(mainly on the dialogue.)


A question to those who are willing to answer: I was just curious. Why do you all like the 'Day Off' chapter from my hyuna and jimin story so much? Just because I see so many votes for that chapter, so I was wondering, is it because of the writing style or plot, or did you like it better when they were both idols as their own selves? Do reply if you want to, even if its short, it really helps me build myself as a writer 


@pxrkchimhyunxkim Hey Bella! I think the plot is entertaining and well thought out. The way you described things made it all even mote enjoyable and it didnt feel like i was reading a script hence it felt real. =) Timing was good too, maybe make it a little slower?(mainly on the dialogue.)


Ngomong ngomong.. makasih kak udah nyobain baca Illegal.. semoga suka^^ maaf kalau banyak kekurangannya:)) Makasih ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


@KimHya10 terima kasih pada authornya juga. Ceritanya seronok dibaca. Cuma adalah beberapa istilah yang saya kurang faham. but all in all i love it! very much! thank you ya for the follow