
@KathNiel1989 no problem Beautiful  Btw, can you read one of my stories or you can read all of my stories if you'd like :) you are very welcome to have some pleasuring reading of your own. I'd also like to know what you think about it. :) Thanks Beautiful and I hope you'll have a nice day 


@KathNiel1989 no problem Beautiful  Btw, can you read one of my stories or you can read all of my stories if you'd like :) you are very welcome to have some pleasuring reading of your own. I'd also like to know what you think about it. :) Thanks Beautiful and I hope you'll have a nice day 


@Sammy_ilyxxx you're welcome and thank you for following me in the first place, Beautiful  please read my story/s, I'd love to see what you think.


@purrsybee13 awww its nothing, of course ill read em and let ya know. If you have the time do you mind checking out my stories too? i'd love some feedback x