
I’ve updated Avengers Preferences and Mötley Crüe Preferences so go check those out if you haven’t already ✌


I have the first two chapters of my new Vampire Diaries story typed up and edited. I don't want to publish them until I have another chapter or two typed and edited but they will be posted next week probably by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest. I'm also going to start working on my own personal story soon so I'm excited about that as well!


Okay so I have been gone for a few months now but I think I’m ready to come back. I’ve been dealing with a lot recently, I won’t go into detail because of probably don’t want to hear it, but I haven’t been very motivated I write anything. I’m still not that motivated to be honey but I’m hoping that if I come back on and start writing again it will pick up. Anyway, the moral of this whole spiel is to say that I’m goi g to start writing again. I can’t promise anything this week because it’s going to be a very stressful week but definitely by the next. Anyway, I’m sorry I was gone for a while and haven’t updated and you may not have noticed or cared or anything and that’s okay but expect some updates pretty soon!


Aw thank you! Comments like that and people like you definitely help and really make me want to write more


I'm really proud of you. If you need more time off, that's okay, but if you work to push past it, that's great. You got this. Results will surely show soon. 