
This has to be the best book ever... Please read it


Hello there, Hajra. Just stopping by to say thank you so much for following me. You're amazing for it ❤️ Always curious to know how people found my account and why they followed, so feel free to share  Haha, even if you don't feel like sharing, still, thanks so much for the follow. It means a ton to me ^.^
          - Cross


Guys there seems to be a problem  with my app and as a result  my story  seem to be inaccessible . If you are experiencing the problem and aren't able to view the new chapters or the old ones please let me know... 
          And thanks for  following  me 


I posted  the first four chapters of my story I fell in love .... its a story I wrote when I was younger  and am just transferring from my notebook into my phone ...Please bear withbthe mistakes  as it us unedited and am using my phone to type. ... I'll fix everything  as soon as I complete the whole  book