
  /   cb or drop!!  i think i still need to drop stuff  /  send replies so i'll do that in a sec  :)  


"We have a problem. And no, I wasn't the one who caused it! ...Maybe. Ohmygodhelpme!"
          // <33


She was indeed quick to hide behind him, putting her hands on his shoulders -- attempting to take a peek around the room, but quickly hiding again. She let out an audible sigh of relief, only to tense up again when he said they could somehow k1ll her with fear. "What? Ohmygod, ohmygod, what-can-I-do?! I was just -- I just tried to do what Amaria told me... she's a ghost hunter! But I had to do it alone, right?! Stupid, so stupid!"
            // <333


   "Why would you—  ohgod."  He gestured for her to stand behind him,  looking around as soon as she told him her predicament.  He'd be in for a chance of seeing more than she could,  after all,  if any ghosts decided to make it harder for her to catch on.   "They're not gonna kill you!!  Unless they send you into a panic-induced heart attack so,  please,  deep breaths!  It's fine."  
            /   @-hawkeyes   <333


"Just — I don't know, hide me! I tried talking to a ghost, now I think they're mad at me! Can they walk through the walls? Oh-my-god, I'm gonna die!"
            // of coursee, my dearest !! <333 


"I talked to her..." Ekaterina didn't know if he would remember what she was talking about; but the day he shared with her about the poem and songs he wrote for his teen days crush, she had spoken to him about the girl she had (silly, innocent) feelings for, back in the Red Room... how she had never seen nor spoken with her since then. Well, now there she was, to share the news.
          // visiting Amaria and Clint next, my beloved !! xx


She understood him, even without actually experiencing something like that, because she was definitely able to empathize. The only person she really felt something for, instead of faking it for a mission or sense of normality, she had never been able to be with. It's okay, though, because Lara Pavlova was the opposite of her in every aspect: as soon as she found herself free from the Black Widow programming, she became a nurse and went on helping people. She was *light*, an angel in human form. Whilst Ekaterina was darkness, the real life 'boogeyman'. She deserved much better, and the blonde was happy she's found it. A family. Love. Happiness. Things Ekaterina knew she couldn't have provided her, for she was still leading this life. Something she had chosen to do, with her own free will, contrarily of Lara. "He'll forgive you. Don't worry. He'll see the good young man you are. He'll understand," she didn't say it just for the sake of comforting him, though. She truly believed it. Upon his light-hearted comment, she would chuckle and nod in gratitude.


   "I didn't realise the last time would make me feel so stupid,  though."  With a slightly cynical laugh-  that almost seemed unlike him,  but it was just a hint to what the past relationship had left him with-  he noted each of her words like they echoed around his head.  The metaphor did make it easier to link with,  more human to juxtapose the disconnect he'd been feeling.  Love was difficult and so much more pressure with all this new territory—  it was so much easier when he was just hearing or watching it.  "Thank you.  I'll try to be more positive about it.  I just hope it isn't too late.  I think I made myself seem like a dick in front of a really cool guy."  He shifted slightly where he was sat,  turning his head towards her with a small smile of gratitude that he quickly pushed into something lighthearted.   "I thought the metaphor was good.  I preferred it,  actually!"  
            /   @-greywidows 


Free of judgement and with an open heart, she would listen to the young man. A small smile flashing across her features, simply due how relatable it sounded. The spy would place her gloved hand on his shoulder, then, encouraging him to meet her eyes: "Let's pretend I'm not a hypocrite, and allow me to give you a piece of advice, although I admit not following it myself: you can't deprive yourself of being happy and trying again. The past is the past, and the new person you're going to meet isn't like the person who once hurt you. It's not a new chapter, it's a whole new book, with a whole different story. And if, for lack of luck, the story turns out to be a 'plagiary' of the first and repeat itself, you'll recognize it in the first pages... enough to stop reading it and investing your time in another book." she would withdraw her hand then, putting out her cigarette when it neared its end. "Try again. Let your heart open for it. You deserve that beautiful thing you see in the films, you deserve that happiness. And..." she chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "Excuse me for the whole book metaphor."


"Sorry," he lowered his weapon as soon as he noticed he wasn't aiming at one of *those things*. "I didn't mean to --" he paused, holstering the gun. "Are you okay?"
          // <33


Since 1998. His very first day as a cop. He was only 21 years old... and just survived the outbreak in Raccoon City due the fact he was... late. Young, immature and irresponsible of his part, even if those words never really applied to him. He was always very mature and responsible for his age, but that day... it was really luck. It was luck that he did absolutely everything he never did. He survived because of it. Leon didn't tell him any of that, though, despite how all those thoughts only occurred to him because of the younger man's question. "Since I was your age, I suppose. Yeah," it was terrifying. He wasn't wrong there. But someone had to do it... and now, 47 years old, Leon was *very* experienced. "At this point? Even someone to answer the phone will be very helpful for them... trust me. They won't refuse your help. I appreciate you, you're already helping me too. A lot."


   "Do you do this whole thing a lot,  then?  That must be terrifying!"  It would explain the gun,  he imagined,  and only felt slightly put-off by the whole thing.  Still,  he had enough worry in him to consider everyone involved.   "I'll be okay.  I'd like to be able to help,  though,  however I can.  Maybe the police will give me a little job helping them out.  I can't imagine it's very legal,  but it doesn't feel right to know about this sort of thing and then just let it happen."  He bit his lip with worry,  slightly too stubborn to admit that it was a little scary,  because his blatant fear had been brushed off once the gun disappeared.  Phew. 
            /   @-bioagents 


"I will. Don't worry about me," Leon spoke, his tone of voice gentle as always. "I appreciate it, though..." he added then, following the younger man as he began leading the way. "I'll make sure to get the help the people in this town deserve... and make sure you'll be safe too," the agent told him, trying to bring him some comfort after giving him such difficult news. He meant it, though. Once they got to the police station, Leon was sure the cops would keep the young man safe. Leon would've done that personally, if he didn't have a mission to take care of.


 /   i'm trying towake myself back up.  cb or drop!!  gonna try kick my other accounts imto actiom too 


// pls, over Kate and anywhere else you'd like, my dear <33


"What a lovely coincidence meeting you again, dear." she smiled warmly to the young man. "Especially when, in this case, I'm not invading your former home by mistake," she added with a hint of humour in her voice, greeting him with a gentle pat on the shoulder.
          // <333


She was in love with his cinematic references, chuckling to herself now at the mention of La La Land. The last kind of film someone would imagine a trained assassin would watch, but... you know. She was more than just that. Although, often times, she was in conflict with herself, upon remembering she shouldn't be... shouldn't be more than the weapon she was meant to be. Right now, though? She couldn't care less. The smile sent his way was a very genuine one as she agreed with a nod of her head. "Perfectly, yes. That one... such a great film."


  "Right?!  Thank you!!"  Dexter exclaimed with relief.  Every time someone agreed with him,  he'd count it up just to win the internal battle that was the argument of the cat's name.  One of many,  of course,  but it was a funnier one to focus on.  Her habit of giving cats such mythological names was pretty cool,  and the look in his eyes had spoken to his interest in what she'd named them when she mentioned it.  "One day we'll walk past each other with our cats in our little bags and we'll know we've made it!  It'd be like the end of La La Land where they realise that they both achieved what they wanted like a full circle kinda moment."  
            /   @-greywidows 


"*Samuel*? Yes, I must agree: it definitely isn't a cat name," she would say, nodding her head to that. But Ekaterina treated them all like 'little gods' and 'kings', so that's why she always named them after mythology or important figures from the past. Her ex-girlfriend had one that Ekaterina had helped name him 'Pharaoh', for instance -- you see! The little one acted like monuments (or, better saying, pyramids) should be built in his name! "I think that's something I must agree again," if she ever stepped away from the life she led, having a cat would be the symbol for such an '''achievement''', that's for sure.


“ has anyone ever told you 
          that there’s something slightly 
          off about you ? ”


  "Oh—"  he leaned back slightly out of instinct,  narrowing his eyes before letting out a nervous laugh.  He blinked a few times,  a thoughful action that didn't quite work in avoiding suspicion.  "It's probably the glasses.  They're strong lenses."  
            /   @ocyeaniks 


“ hmm no it’s not that….i mean it could be but i don’t know a single thing about football so i wouldn’t know…” she mused as she leaned forward studying his face “ it’s your eyes …. they’re not quite right , sort of uncanny valley ”


   "Well,  that's—   yes!  Kinda.  But I don't—  it depends on how you mean.  Is it the hat??  I don't even watch football,  is it the wrong team?  I was sure it was a New York one..." 
            /   @ocyeaniks 


;      sorry for the late drop <33
          ' oh — apologies , i didn't hear you come in . is there anything i can help you with ? ' 


   The fond tone was strikingly obvious,  so he found it quite easy to laugh along and admire the care these people had for each other.  It was inspiring,  kind of,  in a way that left Dexter with brightened eyes and a reliable heart. 
              "It's complicated.  My mom passed away a while ago and her and my dad always wanted me to study law.  Family business stuff.  But I dropped out a while back and,  I—  I guess it's the guilt.  I'm not sure I'm handling it as well as I'd like."  After a nervous laugh,  he cleared his throat.  "I just needed to take some time,  I guess."  
            /   @GODANDTHEDEVIL 


the priest cocked his head in dexter's direction , a small gesture to show he would actively listen to anything the younger man had to say . 
            he let out an exaggerated huff about his health , answer enough for what he thought about the whole ordeal . 
            ' the sisters would have me glued to a bed , if they had their way ; two weeks , they said , all for a small fall . ' but despite his rant , joseph's smile was fond . the clergy were his closest thing to family after all . 
            ' well , i'm glad you're taking some time for yourself , especially after a long day . is there anything in particular that's on your mind ? ' 


   The other man's movement almost spurred him back into the moment,  a slightly apologetic and vague wave of his hands as he rushed to follow along.  "Oh,  that sucks.  How long are you supposed to be resting for?"  He settled in the space he was offered,  resting his hands on his knees with a few idle taps before he abruptly stopped his fidgeting.  "Yeah.  Long day.  Nothing big,  though!!  Just the usual.  I just needed to clear my head a bit,  I guess.."  
            /   @GODANDTHEDEVIL 


"Hey... what -- what was that? What is going on?!"
          // dos <33
          [ it can be either humour or angst, your choice xx ]


   Dexter couldn't admit that he'd spent days,  maybe weeks,  doing nothing but thinking about it all.  Thinking back to the things they all said to him that night,  knowing how it would end,  the arguments he'd had that showed him how much time he wasted.  He knew his roommate had questioned it all,  he'd known that Dex wasn't the type of guy to drink like that,  and much less in front of that group of guys.  But that upset wasn't worth anything when the case was closed.   "I know,  I know."   He murmured in understanding,  smiling at her once she glanced up with sentimentality.  "Thank you."  
            /   @-hawkeyes 


How could he be so tranquil about all this?! ...I mean, she knew she wasn't overreacting — he was *k1lled*, damn it! Perhaps... he's had enough time to mourn over his own death and think through all the possibilities that only now did she get to consider. Still, even if they weren't cold-blooded murderers, they were still responsible for someone's death! It wasn't just an accident, they poisoned him, they knew what they were doing! ...Nothing could ever change her mind about this: they had to pay! But... if Dex didn't want her to look into this, it was obvious she would respect his wishes, even if she didn't agree with it. It was his life (or death?) therefore it was him who called the shots. "I freaking adore you, don't get me wrong, but..." she would rather he had a normal life, without meeting her, where he was happy — than having him to die the way he did only so they could meet. He said it himself, though: he wasn't happy with that life. But he's enjoying it now, with this second chance he was given... Kate looked up at him with nothing but care and respect in those eyes of hers, before she rested her head on his chest again and rubbed his back, gently -- letting the silence communicate to her friend the words she hadn't.


   He huffed a breath at her unexpected movements,  but still didn't hesitate in putting his arms around her comfortingly.  "They're not,  like,  cold-blooded murderers.  They were just stupid.  They thought they were funny and I paid the price,  but—  I only miss the little things."  He assured her,  though he could understand the angle that she was seeing the situation from.  He had less of a focus on general authority,  but he did believe that they wouldn't make it a habit to be that dangerous again.   "Imagine if they hadn't done it,  though.  We wouldn't have met when we did,  I don't think.  Maybe we'd meet down the line,  but I don't think you'd have liked me.  I think I would've almost been a polar opposite to me now."  
            /  @-hawkeyes 