
I said Id come back but i didnt... Man im awful HAHAHAHAHA
          	Im sorry to everyone whove been waiting for me to put out an old book or a new book... Im really sorry... If youve been waiting up to this point, i thank you from the bottom of my heart... But please dont wait for me anymore... It might take another life time until i finally start writing again
          	Thank you to everyone who has supported me this far
          	Goodbye and I hope youre all doing well ^^


I said Id come back but i didnt... Man im awful HAHAHAHAHA
          Im sorry to everyone whove been waiting for me to put out an old book or a new book... Im really sorry... If youve been waiting up to this point, i thank you from the bottom of my heart... But please dont wait for me anymore... It might take another life time until i finally start writing again
          Thank you to everyone who has supported me this far
          Goodbye and I hope youre all doing well ^^


'ELLO 'ELLO 'ELLO! Im back and have started reading Shakespeare a few months ago... And bc of him, I have little prompts... Ill be posting them as soon as I can... For those of you who waited and will wait, thank you so much! 


Dear fellow readers,
          I am sorry to inform you that I have decided to unpublish all my fanfics... I had fun writing them... Im not gonna lie... But I've decided to restart my career of being a writer... I'll build it up slowly... I don't know when will be the next time I'll be writing fanfics... But for now, I've decided to make one shots of little ideas that come into my head. It won't be out yet... But until then, I hope you'll forgive me for unpublishing these books... Thank you for your support and for your amazing comments and votes... I hope you'll understand me
          Your dearest write,


Goddamn i meant writer... Not write


Hey I hope you’re having a wonderful day, I’m thankful that you voted for my story❤️ 
          Another day and your still voting, thanks for everything❤️


@BtsOutro okay thats great because i was anxious for a bit 


No actually I enjoy your support friend;))❤️


@BtsOutro Ahahahahahaha XD.. You dont need to worry friend! You just have really nice books... I'm surprised I havent found this earlier... It's no problem, yeah? I hope I'm not annoying you with my constant spamming ;-;


Thank you so much for voting❤️


@BtsOutro awww i love youuuuu toooo ;*


Awwwe, you just made me burst into a big uwu;)) Thank you so much, I love youuuu


@BtsOutro it's no problem! Love the plot by the way! And the story idea is amazing! Keep up the good work! 


Hello fellow reader of all my books... I know I haven't updated lately but school assignments and projects keep piling up.. I barely have time to do anything and when I do I just want to rest and not do anything.. I hope I'll be able to write something during our small break on the last week of October... I haven't forgotten my stories okay? I think about it every night and I feel bad for not updating much... All I'm saying is that I hope you'll all understand that I don't have time at the moment... I promise I'll update when I can... But until then, please wait for me!


Also I'm sorry for not updating a lot... I'm dealing with something atm and it's writer's block.. It's annoying.. But also because of some family matters.. I hope you understand..


@proud_author  dito. Stay Determined..


@AlpacaCute24090 thank you so much for understanding... You all deserve the world 


@proud_author  I know the feeling of family matters and issues and writers block. I hope everything goes well for you! And i0just know that its gunna be oki! X3