
literally been working on this pretty little liars fic for over a year now and I am finally at a point where I’m close to publishingggg 


For those of you that aren’t aware, @cainflu published a book by the name of Never Forgotten. It’s a MUCH NEEDED educational book filled with resources and information about what’s happening in not only Palestine, but Sudan and Congo as well. Her message board is also filled with links to other sources as well! 
          If you’re someone who is unsure where to start when it comes to educating yourself of what’s going on, her book is a great place to start, as is Never Forgotten! Give it a read and click on the links she’s provided! 


***her message board is a great place to start.


this message may be offensive
The world was always scary as shit to me before, but now it’s fucking TERRIFYING. The amount of bloodshed honestly makes me sick to stomach. And seeing the amount of people actually praising Israel and actually listing (bullshit) reasons as to why they support them is insane to me. Then they’re going as far as mocking Palestinian people and making so many tik toks as jokes which is weird and ignorant as fuck all on its own. 
          At first I tried to be that person that simply accepted that others had their own opinions and views and were well within their rights but now I know that with what’s going on now, I have no room to be THAT naive and accepting . I’m at a point where, in my eyes, if you in any way support Israel, you’re either a horrible person, or just stupid and ignorant to the fact that they’re  literally the devil reincarnated. And we’re also at a point where being uneducated shouldn’t even be a possibility, especially at yall big ages. Google is free and so are the many resources people have provided on this app alone.