


( keiii hihintayin ko journal mo ah xD )


@ARCE-KEI ( naaah. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good no matter what you say hehehe ) ♡ 


@ARCE-ROZA    (        Now I’m scared to disappoint you, really. I guessed I’ll edit it again before publishing to not waste your excitement over my journal...      )


@ARCE-KEI ( lalo lang akong naexcite hahahaha )


          This felt all too familiar to Zach. The situation, the feeling of annoyance and irritation orbiting around him like planets to his sun, the peak of the night and its desperate calls to wreak havoc casting ominous shadows onto his lanky figure, and how could he forget, the luminous crystals outlining the sidewalk and turning it into a star-studded Walk of Fame.
          It felt just like home. 
          He despised it.
          As if all those subliminal messages weren't enough to prey off Zach's bittersweet nostalgia - not to mention, his sudden desire to acquire laser beams as weapons to shoot from his "finger guns" - he'd stumbled upon a Zeravean who looked exactly like someone he knew all too well - his brother, Cuphead.
          He may have had a few loose screw in the head from his crash-landing into Zarcerein City, but he wasn't too crazy to maintain a solid vision of observation, giving himself an influx of fury flowing through his bloodstream.
          It seemed like the young man's ways of communicating weren't just a collective mannerism, but a lifestyle as a whole, too. They were too distinct in his tone and upbringing, too... "Lord of the Rings" for Zach to even confirm that he was FROM Zarcerein City. It was like witnessing the world's first humanoid robot.
          His presence could fill an arena. So alarmingly similar to his lifelong nemesis at home.
          Making sure he wasn't stirring, Zach hovered near him, nearly blinded by the tiny rhinestones that dazzled across his cape. Forcefully grabbing his arm for shock factor, he steadied him in place, capturing his alluring gaze at a standstill.
          "Where do you think you're going?" Zach sneered, his bottle of wine in his free hand. "Shooters think in absolutes, and I think you're absolutely crazy. So, get lost before you put anyone else in danger, would you?"


(✧) Sorry for the long wait. I, too, admire your writing style a lot! Looking forward to plotting with you in the future.


          hiding in a bush, chiya tried to lower the sound of her snickers and chuckles. covering her mouth, she decided to grab her mask and wear it. she was there to prank some random zeravean passing by. chiya had always been a rebel and a pure ball of mischief, that’s her way of expressing her true feelings.
          she looked around and finally saw her new target who was about to pass by. she patiently waited for you to come near the bush. finally seeing the oppurtunity, chiya jumped out wearing her scary mask with matching red over-alls.
          “boo!!!” she yelled then laughed at the look of your face. “i’m sorry? did i scare you?” she managed to genuinely ask in between her laughs.


There's only one million-dollar sentence that had run through the twisted labyrinth in Zacharias Alfonso's mind that forged its own path of dimensions in their extremes — feelings that rushed through his bloodstream, trains of thought that travelled light years beyond his own existence, and a severe familiarity that brought him to thousands of memories, hundreds of places in his life in a single perk of his lips in which the inky canvas of dusk always masked.
          ‘Spontaneity is the essence of life.’
          That one sentence, those 6 words, they were all too adrenaline-inducing for Zacharias. They sounded almost… delicious as the words flowed through his tongue like his favorite bottle of blood red wine. To hear them voiced out from his mouth, laced with heavy desire and an animalistic rasp, one would supposedly think he'd gone insane.
          And he was.
          Alas, that's but a minor observation that didn't need to have its own bird's-eye view from a pedestal.
          Zacharias wanted nothing less but to draw every nerve, every mental tick, every raw emotion out of his every encounter; that's when people's true beauty unravels. Devious and heavy with hysteria, he had his jaded orbs locked on a Zeravean from afar — a wanderer, shameless and pure, he assumed.
          Not for long.
          With his wine bottle in hand, he walked down the sidewalk in long, noisy strides. Vine-like veins prominent on his hands and arms, he snaked one of his arms around the innocent stranger. He then used his free hand to tilt their chin towards his gaze, holding them captive with no escape.
          Feigning trouble and looming desire, he clicked his tongue, teasing, “Going somewhere?”


@ARCE-ZACHARIAS (    No worries, I’d like to apologize in advance if Kei may offend Zach or its handler in any way. He’s a bit of a schemer and quite aggressive due to his fatal flaw. Also, that my reply would take a bit late. Thank you as well, or in Kei’s words, Blessed be.   )


            (✧) Zach's hysteria gives him frequent and exaggerated mood swings, so please excuse him for acting like a madlad. Thank you! :”)