
I am currently reading The Handmaid's Tale, and oh my goodness: it is good!


Hey, sorry for bothering.
          I just finished publishing my second poetry collection called “On The Way Here”, and I wanted to ask you to check it out if you have time <3
          Have a great day / night!


@Moonlight7480 ooh hi! I'm so sorry for the late reply! Yeah, I'd be happy to :)


Beloved, by Toni Morrison.
          My rating: ★★★★★
          To say that this novel is immensely riveting is an understatement. Holy moly. 
          After reading this text my perspectives have really been stretched and altered. I had to set this book down after finishing and just sob. This text makes you question ethics and the power of the human mind; as well as develop a powerful yet heart-wrenching space to discuss the repercussions of African American slavery.
          Five out of five for the impactful writing, the multidimensional and unforgettable characters, and the storyline which broke my heart and illustrated how picking up the pieces is harder than it looks. Absolutely a must-read in any person's life, no matter what you enjoy or who you are.


I will also add that it can be a difficult read, and there are uncomfortable events that are brought up, however this text respectfully and necessarily brought them up for its purpose to highlight the abundant amount of damage slavery left (for that generation and intergenerations, still prevalent today).


To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf.
          My rating: ★★★★★
          I cannot describe to you how much I love this novel. I felt so much, agreed with so much, fell in love with the concept, the imagery, and the vibes. Themes of grief, loss, the heart, creativity, and the meaning of life all wind together to create such a thoughtful novel.
          I will forever and ever adore this book. Woolf is one of the best writers, her stream-of-consciousness technique is exquisite and totally my kind of fun. If I could give this book 6 stars I would, because there were so many themes I could identify with, and the connections between nature and humanity were amazing. I would be lying if I didn't well up during one passage because that's how good it was written.
          Love you Virginia, and such a great first experience reading her work. THE BEST.


Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen.
          My rating: ★★★★☆
          Love, love, love this book. I could relate to both Elinor and Marianne! Mostly Elinor if we're being honest, and to be even more honest, I am a sucker for Jane Austen novels and the way she writes. I love her plots around the domestic sphere, marriage and the regency era, and find it pure entertainment to read.
          I absolutely could not stand Willoughby, and Edward was so confusing to me, but his actions in the end redeemed them. I love the message of this book and how it juxtaposes acting with your heart vs. acting with your head. I found that really interesting, and was thoroughly enjoyed with my experience of reading it.
          If you like a good marriage plot, and are a fan of reading about people gossiping, their problems, and characters who are realistic, then it's for you.
          I love books with romance in them, and so my only problem with this novel is how Marianne was given an ending. I need justice for her! (If you know, you know)


Oroonoko, by Aphra Behn
          My rating: ★★☆☆☆ (2.5)
          I had to read this book for university, and I get its significance to the literary world. However, reading this as a 21st century consumer, it was so easy and vile to detect how heavily racist the novel was. I found myself having to quit reading at some points and force myself to digest the overt othering taking place.
          I felt so bad for Oroonoko and Imoinda, and kept feeling disturbed by the unfortunate events. 
          I appreciate this text being written by a woman, especially during the 17th century. And I appreciate Aphra Behns contribution to the literary world, however, this book was just such an eye-opener to how terrible humanity used to be in terms of othering — showing how far we've come in 2022, trying to eliminate racism.
          The language was descriptive, and it was very tale-like. That's all I can say about it.


The Lunar Chronicles, by Marissa Meyer
          My rating: ★★★★☆
          Finished the Lunar Chronicles at the start of this year! SO GOOD. Literally every couple in that book is so cute, and the ending was nice. 
          I found whilst reading the book that the language is super clear and vivid that it played like a movie in my head. Fantastic writer, and the plot was so intricate and had so many elements that I kept getting surprised and left on the edge of my seat with the action scenes. 
          I did enjoy a lot of the characters and would laugh out loud because of their dialogue, but I did wish that the ending was more explained/ sound. The series is a little large and the characters go through so much that you want them to have justice and everything they deserve. They lowkey did, but I wanted to feel even more complete after reading it.
          Still amazing though. What do you guys think?


Hey guys! I'll be using my conversations board to post my reviews on books I've read/ been reading! Feel free to join in on the comments or argue the ratings I give these books. 
          Reading is amazing and I want my page to be a safe, fun environment where we can share our favourite reads! Enjoy, guys :)