
kinda late but if you haven’t already you should totally go check out strange addiction, i’d greatly appreciate it. i mean, i think it’s pretty good so far :)))


okay so i have three chapters ready for home but there are pictures i need to upload, however, i can’t do without my laptop. my aunt is using it atm and i have no idea when i’ll get it back. also, i’m leaving this weekend to go to chicago for bts (yay!) but i’m really sad bc i want you guys to see these next few chapters bc they’re some of my favorites so far. i’m super sorry and ily you guys ♡


@pnkskjn  aww don’t feel bad! Enjoy yourself at the concert though!!!!


ONE WEEK and i’ll be on my way to Chicago and GUESS WHAT?! it’s on the same day as my bday :((( i was so frickin sad when they released the dates bc i thought there’d be zero chances of me going, but my mom was like, nah, i’m making sure i get you to that concert. i’m so grateful and i hope you guys get to see them too :(( ily ♡


i really wanna start writing again but i can’t find any motivation :((( i miss it so much 


@pnkskjn u should read some yoongguk fics on ao3,,, ill pm u some asjdjd i know how it feels to have no motivation ):


Herro herro!  Got a question question for u!!
          What do u prefer?
          Top jungoo bottom yoongle? or top yoongle, bottom jungoo?


@yonruu bottom gguk all the way <3