
do you ever feel like everyone is just slowly leaving you?


this message may be offensive
what is this bullshit that we can’t message anymore on wattpad?? I love coming here to connect and so do many others and now we can’t even have private conversations???? this will probably just draw people further away, not closer. why can’t you change this?? @Wattpad


@NumberOneMilfLov3r | literally, I’ve met some of the best people of my life that way, others too and now they’re just erasing it??? I looked into it and it’s because a small percentage of people use the feature, but it doesn’t mean you should take it away, it’s not like it’s harming anyone, now we can’t connect with people through here and that sucks dick.
            I hope they bring it back or just don’t do it at all but that’s not likely, no social media platform anywhere listens to what its users actually want. I’m tagging #Wattpad ten times in this, maybe they’ll see it, maybe not, who knows?


@pixiec-nt bruh fr, i was in the worst mood when i saw this


hey lovelies, don’t suppose anyone knows someone I can get business advice from, on here or instagram?? I’ve asked someone already but they’re kind of avoiding answering and I’d appreciate some guidance since I’m early on in the process of starting my own small business! no worries if not, everyone have a good day x
          (my business is going well for those asking! I’ve managed to get a big influencer to promote my business which will be such a great help and happening very soon! can’t wait to release it to all of you ;) )


@-bratz- | I’m working on that at the moment! I think I’ll start it soon with some colleagues, I think it’ll be better to talk over there once they’re done! I’ll make sure to send you the details, and please let me know when and if she agrees! :)


@pixiec-nt I’ll try see if she’s available as she’s in uni as well. Whenever I see her, I’ll let her know. Do you have a business account yet babes?


@-bratz- | ahh thank you so much!! that’s exactly the kind of thing I was looking for! I’d just like to talk to her about things she wish she knew and any key advice she has and things, thanks so much, sis ❤️ x


Hello lovely!!!! 


hey loves, hope you’re all doing well x
          as most of you might know I’m working on starting my own small business and so I’m here to ask if any of you would be open to doing a small interview with me to help me devise certain products. I’m focusing on helping people with difficult taboo emotional, psychological and mental struggles and I’d love to get some honest research for them, if anyone believes they can help please reply to this message and then dm me :)
          (and I promise the next chapter is coming soon, I’ve been really distracted lately so it’s not coming as fast as I’d like (pun intended).)


hey loves, the part two for ‘send in the clowns’ is finished, edited and ready. I’m just waiting for one small thing to be finalised before I publish it! I can’t give an exact date but hopefully it’ll be out soon as <33