
Oh my my. What is this? Alivened?


Ok well... I might rewrite what I've got of CC or Pipsqueak... not that my writing got any better but anyway we can pretend it has.


You know what sucks? I’ve been thinking about getting back into writing but school starts in a couple days and I’m definitely gonna lose the motivation to write when I barely have motivation to do school work… but I’ll try get something written even tho no one reads my stuff. I do it for fun not views anyway :D


I might get back into writing and will probably complete my front covers for all books. I might also write a couple chapters and if my writing has improved I will rewrite some stuff but if its either worse or the same I wont change anything


Yea chiro.... is that how you spell it... it seems wrong. It’s been so long since he’s been in the story. He wasn’t even in the end chapter thing for the season


@pipsqueak0o0 yes. the profile pic is perfection. it's chiro right? looks like chiro but it might be uri.....


I know no one reads these but still. CC will come back next week on the weekend probably Sunday. Although if something comes up I promise I will get it done the week after.


@TumbleweedSandLeaf that was ages ago when I did write 


@pipsqueak0o0 and after 7 months still not update


Ok updates will come saturday and sometimes if your lucky sunday as well


CC is going to go on hold for a while. I have no idea how long but even when im not writing it but having the thought of 'the people who read CC need more chapters' messes with my head and i get like nothing done all day. So now that you know CC is on hold i can dedicate my time to drawing and finishing school work. (school work=work that was due like a week ago.) Its the holidays for me btw.


My English at the start... eh i'm tired. Just try and understand it.


I did something stupid and accidentally logged out of wattpad.... i forgot my password but now i'm back uwu. And why didn't i reset it? Because i wasn't logged into the correct email account and forgot the passowrd to that as well. BUT now I can bless you with my so called 'Beautiful stories'.


so who thinks Milaya (Milkyway and Papaya) is rushed. because if you do then really its not. eventually there will be a Milkyway backstory and will explain her love for Papaya and Papaya doesnt actually like Milkyway yet. (ive just been reading a bunch of stuff about wof ships being rushed and when i thought about it Milaya sounded rushed if you didnt know the whole story)